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    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "sroffset": 10,
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "searchinfo": {
            "totalhits": 3206
        "search": [
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Denotation and connotation",
                "pageid": 13650,
                "size": 7025,
                "wordcount": 986,
                "snippet": "of emotion, attitude, or color. The <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> or use of denotation and<b> ... </b>==The <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of denotation and connotation== \n*In media-studies terminology<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2024-01-29T09:46:21Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Hominid",
                "pageid": 28332,
                "size": 5201,
                "wordcount": 766,
                "snippet": "extinct relatives. The more expansive <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> is becoming increasing common<b> ... </b> whereby hominid had one clear <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> in the literature for decades<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2024-02-02T11:34:19Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Tautology",
                "pageid": 10696,
                "size": 9211,
                "wordcount": 1481,
                "snippet": "if and only if it is truth-conferring, <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> that it has a structure<b> ... </b>false. Any argument of this form is valid, <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> that it is impossible for<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2023-06-23T16:04:46Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Absurdism",
                "pageid": 86501,
                "size": 15129,
                "wordcount": 2329,
                "snippet": "Absurdism is a philosophical perspective which holds that the efforts of humanity to find <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> or rational explanation in the universe ultimately<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2023-06-14T06:46:12Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Clifford Geertz",
                "pageid": 11726,
                "size": 8733,
                "wordcount": 1225,
                "snippet": "for his work on cultural symbols and <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span>. During thirty years at<b> ... </b>function of culture is therefore to impose <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> on the world and make it<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2024-01-07T22:06:19Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Verifiability principle",
                "pageid": 6869,
                "size": 8182,
                "wordcount": 1167,
                "snippet": "The Verifiability theory of <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> was put forth in the early twentieth century by a group of logical positivists. The verifiability theory<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2023-05-03T18:01:24Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Proposition",
                "pageid": 99207,
                "size": 13207,
                "wordcount": 1904,
                "snippet": "refers to either (a) the content or <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> of a meaningful declarative<b> ... </b>is disputed. Where the concept of a &quot;<span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span>&quot; is admitted, its nature<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2022-12-02T00:23:12Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Abba",
                "pageid": 76189,
                "size": 6867,
                "wordcount": 1044,
                "snippet": "or &quot;mother and father&quot; (abai-ka <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> &quot;thy parents&quot;<b> ... </b>li-ll\u0101hi ab\u016b-ka is an expression of praise, <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> &quot;to God<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2023-06-13T07:15:10Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "All Saints Day",
                "pageid": 1693,
                "size": 5932,
                "wordcount": 918,
                "snippet": "==Origin and Meaning== \nThe first trace of a general celebration for the martyrs is attested in Antioch on the Sunday after Pentecost. This custom<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2021-05-17T13:36:47Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Adverb",
                "pageid": 86588,
                "size": 12225,
                "wordcount": 1741,
                "snippet": "-ly derives from an Anglo-Saxon word <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> &quot;like.&quot;<b> ... </b>sentential adverb has other functions, the <span class='searchmatch'>meaning</span> is often not the same. For<b> ... </b>",
                "timestamp": "2022-12-17T23:31:31Z"