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Could you add a link to our organization’s website to this adoption article? Our organization name is Justice for Mother and Child.
Thank you for the suggestion. The link to your organization has been added.
My name is Tina and I wanted to let you know I really liked your post
I work at American Immigration Center and after being in the US immigration
field for a few years, I’ve become really passionate about it and I’m happy
to have found your site.
However, when I was looking at your page, I noticed that couple of the
links were broken. The links labeled *Confidential Adoption* etc aren’t
currently working.
I hope you would consider adding our website: as an
additional resource to your great page. We’d be honored to be included on
your site and I think the link would provide great value to your visitors .
Have a nice day!
I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
*Tina Ruskin*
American Immigration Center.
Thank you, Tina, for your feedback. The links will be updated and I will review your website. Thank you for the suggestion!