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A correction, the Greek numeric ‘Chilioi’ is not pronounced as ‘a” or ‘one’ (singular) thousand, it instead represents a (plural) unit (or multiple) pronounced as ‘Thousands’. It is derived from the Greek math theorem, base-10, in which 10x3rd power is a multiple term as ‘thousands’. Used in the New Testament, generally needs additional numeric to express the (sum) within unit of thousands.
Where this ‘a’ or ‘one’ comes from, is mistranslation of Greek numeric Chilioi, using English grammar as rule, corrupting proper translation. Most use the French ‘Kilo’ (pronounced as singular thousand), developed from the Greek math theorem.
Perhaps a help, the Catholic church commissioned this translation of Greek Chilioi into a Latin ‘Millennium’ in 382AD, but strongly rejects the common ‘Millennium’ teachings of today… saying Christ’s Kingdom began with His ministry, and the resurrected saints (spiritually) reign with Christ both in remainder of this earth age, and the (eternal) age to come. Click on my linked webpage for more detail.
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