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Hello. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the work of your site, as it strives not only for dry presentation of information, but also warms it with human warmth. I like to read your encyclopedia on various issues. However, I am wary of your approach to the topic of homosexuality. I have spent a lot of time studying this issue myself in order to form as unbiased an opinion as possible. I have noticed an emphasis on faith and spirituality in your articles, so I think you will be interested in the results of my research. In my deep study of near-death experiences, I have seen that homosexuals are no more likely than others to go to hell. Not only do they feel complete love and acceptance, but in some cases they have a revelation that their nature is part of the diversity of creation. This may seem to contradict the Bible, but it does not. Note that the biblical prohibition was given in the context of the Ancient World. And how was homosexuality practiced in ancient times – by straight people!!! If there are so few gays in percentage terms, then where did they come from in such quantities in Sodom, Greece, Rome? Or maybe they were straight people who became perverted as a result of pagan morals? After all, in these civilizations homosexuality was widespread (for example, all the men of Sodom). In light of this understanding, it becomes absolutely clear that homosexuality is sinful when it is practiced by those for whom it is unnatural. It is not for nothing that Paul spoke of men and women who abandoned natural intercourse for unnatural intercourse (Romans 1:26, 27). This means that they went from being straight to being gay. But many gays today say that they felt different from childhood and were never attracted to the opposite sex. Paul also spoke of the possibility of changing (1 Corinthians 6:9–11). Conversion therapies, however, have not proven effective. On the other hand, a straight person who practiced sodomy because of sinfulness could change his life. I really hope that the administration of this wonderful encyclopedia will take my research seriously and attentively, and perhaps deepen their vision of the issue. Sincerely yours, Oleg Ryabov.
Thank you for your well-researched comment. You certainly make some valuable points.
It makes sense, and is comforting, to learn from the NDEs that homosexuals do not automatically go to hell! Everyone seeks love, and many unfortunately are unable to experience it in any form in their earthly life. That surely must be a kind of “hell” that continues in the afterlife.
Indeed religions have traditionally regarded homosexuality as unnatural, citing scriptures not only condemning such practices but also noting God’s blessing on marriage between a man and a woman and how their union reflects God’s nature. Religions also stress the intrinsic value of each individual human being, as a child of God. Your comment helps us to remember this.
Thank you again for taking the time to help make NWE a valuable information resource.