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the section on the origins of ogres says that a spanish paleoanthropoligist proposed the hypothesis that ogres = neanderthals in our collective ancestral memory. the paragraph then continues witht he assertiont hat the swedish-speaking finnish person Entered the debate and expanded on it.
the reference cited give the following times: spaniard= 2002, fin=1978.
if the fin predate the spaniard then the fin cannot enter and expand on the spaniards theory.
Thank you for your comment. You are correct that the text was inaccurate. It has been adjusted to avoid such confusion.
How do you kill or defend an ogre? There is no specific way mentioned on how to fend off one if one should attack.
Thank you, Samantha, for your feedback. The literature contains no specific method of killing ogres. Rather, they are often portrayed as somewhat stupid and easily tricked by clever protagonists, who may then kill them if they are able or just escape.