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Hi web team,
I’m with Monona Terrace’s digital team and we saw a link on your site to our site that is out of date. By updating it to the current link it includes security for both sites, and users won’t see a red browser alert. Thanks and let me know if I can help!
Here is the page the URL is on: https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Wisconsin
Please replace this URL: http://www.mononaterrace.com/
With this new URL: https://www.mononaterrace.com/
If there is no link to Monona Terrace but a mention is present in the site please add a link to Monona Terrace main site: https://www.mononaterrace.com/
Thank you!
Thank you for comment. The link to your site will be updated.
Thanks again for taking the time to help make NWE a valuable information resource.