Search results for "Cricket (insect" - New World Encyclopedia
From New World Encyclopedia
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- In zoology, cricket is the common name for any of the grasshopper ... and suborder Ensifera that have the name cricket as part of their common ...14 KB (2,028 words) - 00:20, 15 January 2023
Page text matches
- In zoology, cricket is the common name for any of the grasshopper ... and suborder Ensifera that have the name cricket as part of their common ...14 KB (2,028 words) - 00:20, 15 January 2023
- thus, flightless) North American Mormon cricket (Anabrus siimplex) and the ... As member of the insect order Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, ...11 KB (1,513 words) - 15:01, 30 April 2023
- As members of the insect order Orthoptera, ensiferans are characterized ... in length, while the heaviest living insect is the New Zealand giant ...11 KB (1,512 words) - 12:04, 21 January 2023
- wingless katydid known as the North American Mormon cricket (Anabrus simplex), whose swams can be devastating to crops, and the Conehead kaytdids (Ruspolia ...13 KB (1,770 words) - 10:49, 11 March 2023
- provide benefits to humans both in controlling insect and other invertebrate pests (Harding 1997) and in adding to the wonder of nature. Their uniqueness ...9 KB (1,375 words) - 22:58, 23 April 2023
- an adult butterfly, but has the typical insect three pairs of jointed legs ... Whether the insect spends more time in its adult stage or in its juvenile ...11 KB (1,565 words) - 16:21, 9 November 2022
- physiology, with the goal of developing insect controls that are effective ... Forensic entomology specializes in the study of insect ecology for ...14 KB (2,060 words) - 18:58, 13 February 2024
- suggests that the breeding grounds of this insect, in the valleys of the Rocky ... to refer to the crustacean (two insect exceptions being the langouste ...14 KB (2,045 words) - 07:50, 9 March 2023
- complex and fascinating spectacles in the insect world," involving sound ... Image:Cricket.jpg|Note the long antennae Image:GreenKatydid.jpg|Katydid ...20 KB (2,942 words) - 12:19, 24 January 2023
- *Insect wings are believed to have evolved between 300 and 400 million ... Insect wings are outgrowths of the insect exoskeleton. They are found ...23 KB (3,705 words) - 22:06, 25 November 2022
- Chameleon is any of the tropical, New World lizards comprising the family Chamaeleonidae, known primarily for their ability to change body color ...12 KB (1,901 words) - 02:06, 13 January 2023
- 31087/31087.html Alfred Lubbock]. Cricket Archive. Retrieved September ... The Habits Of The Social Hymenoptera), on insect sense organs and development ...22 KB (3,231 words) - 02:32, 9 February 2023
- seldom really discouraged because they feed on insect pests. The diverse color, patterns, and behaviors of geckos add to the wonder of nature ...12 KB (1,741 words) - 06:31, 18 April 2024
- *In cricket, a "six" or "sixer" is a shot in which the ball clears the boundary without bouncing, scoring six runs. Also ...19 KB (2,695 words) - 06:47, 13 June 2023
- to them. In ancient China, capturing a cricket alive and keeping it in an osier box attracted good luck (this tradition is also found in the ...13 KB (2,101 words) - 17:26, 26 July 2023
- (about 57 percent), and nearly half of all insect species are beetles. There ... *cricket *crocodile *crow *cuckoo *daddy longlegs *damselfly ...30 KB (3,941 words) - 07:27, 20 June 2021
- crickets, moths, and almost any other insect, even beetles. In addition, they can also be given some vegetables and fruit, like carrots, cauliflower ...22 KB (2,988 words) - 15:28, 30 November 2022
- Emu is the common name for a large flightless Australian bird, Dromaius novaehollandiae, characterized by long legs with three-toed feet, long ...25 KB (3,749 words) - 16:32, 5 January 2021
- Poison dart frog (also poison arrow frog, dart frog, or poison frog) is the common name for any of the very small, diurnal frogs of the Dendrobatidae ...21 KB (3,197 words) - 02:10, 10 April 2023
- Sport is a popular pastime in Bermuda, especially sailing, cricket ... Bermuda's national cricket team participated in the Cricket World ...36 KB (5,347 words) - 11:05, 28 September 2023