de Pizan, Christine

From New World Encyclopedia
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[[Image:Christine de pisan.jpg|thumb|200px|Christine de Pizan]]
'''Christine de Pizan''' (also spelled '''de Pisan''', 1363–c.1434) was a [[writer]] and analyst of the late [[medieval]] era who challenged the misogynistic stereotypes prevalent in the male-dominated realm of [[literature]]. She was Europe’s first professional woman writer, completing 41 known literary works during her 33 year career from 1399 to 1429.
De Pizan's success stemmed from a wide range of innovative writing and rhetorical techniques that challenged renowned male writers such as [[Jean de Meun]], author of the famed ''[[Romance of the Rose]]'' who, to Pizan’s dismay, expressed strongly disrespectful, anti-woman attitudes. Her most successful works were ''[[The Book of the City of Ladies]]'' and ''[[The Book of the Three Virtues]]'', which stressed the importance of women’s contributions to [[society]] and taught women of all estates to cultivate characteristics that would quell the growth of [[misogyny]].
Ignored for centuries, in recent decades de Pizan's work has been returned to prominence. Some [[scholar]]s argue that she should be seen as an early [[feminist]] who efficiently used [[language]] to convey that women could play an important role within society. Other critics claim either that it is an anachronistic use of the word "feminist" to describe her, or that her beliefs were not progressive enough to merit such a designation. In any case, she was not only a pioneer woman writer, but the first woman to openly challenge male attitudes in the field of [[literature]], which had previously been their virtual exclusive turf.
[[Image:Bernaerd van Orley 004.jpg|thumb|150px|left|Charles V of France]]
Christine de Pizan was born in [[Venice]], Italy 1364. She was the daughter of Tommaso di Benvenuto da Pizzano (also called Thomas de Pizan; named for the family's origins in the town of [[Pisano]]), a [[physician]], professor of [[astrology]], and councilor of the [[Republic of Venice]]. Following Christine’s birth, her father accepted an appointment to the court of [[Charles V of France]] as the king’s [[astrologer]], [[Alchemy|alchemist]], and physician. In this atmosphere, Christine was able to pursue her intellectual interests. She had access to Charles V’s royal archive housing a vast number of manuscripts and successfully educated herself by studying languages, the rediscovered classics, and the [[humanism]] of the early [[Renaissance]].
[[Image:Christine_de_Pisan_and_her_son.jpg|thumb|220px|right|Christine de Pizan instructing her son.]]
Christine married Etienne du Castel, a royal secretary to the court, at the age of 15. She bore three children, a daughter who went to live at the Dominican Abbey in Poissy in 1397 as a companion to the king's daughter, a son Jean, and another child who died in childhood. De Pizan’s familial life was threatened in 1390, however, when her husband suddenly died in an epidemic while in [[Beauvais]] on a mission with the king. Left at the age of 24 to support a large household including three children, her mother and a niece, she also had to pay off her husband's extensive debts. When she tried to collect money due to her husband’s estate, she faced complicated lawsuits regarding the recovery of the salary due to her husband.
In order to support herself and her family, de Pizan turned to writing. At first this activity was a form of therapy to deal with the misery of widowhood. However, de Pizan's personal reflections led to the creation of a new style of [[poetry]] lamenting widowhood.
Some believe that de Pizan also worked as a copyist and even perhaps an illumanist for manuscripts in the expanding book trade in the decade following her husband's death, yet before she published any of her texts. [[Illumination]] and [[transcription]] were two professions still open to women, even though job opportunities for women decreased in the fourteenth century. However, women did not work alongside men for fear of losing their reputation, and thus de Pizan would have worked along side other women in the field or in her own home.
By 1393, she wrote several love [[ballads]] which caught the attention of wealthy patrons within the court, who were intrigued by the novelty of a female writer and who had her compose texts about their own romantic exploits. De Pizan's output during this period was prolific. Between 1393 and 1412, she composed over 300 ballads, and many more shorter poems. She also wrote a highly regarded [[biography]] of [[Charles V of France]].
==='Querelle du Roman de la Rose'===
[[Image:Christine_de_Pisan_-_cathedra.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Christine de Pizan lecturing to a group of men.]]
De Pizan’s participation in a literary quarrel in 1401–140, allowed her to move beyond courtly circles and ultimately established her status as a writer concerned with the position of women in society. During these years, she involved herself in a renowned literary debate, the “Querelle du Roman de la Rose” ("Questions concerning the Romance of the Rose"). Written by [[Jean de Meun]] in the thirteenth century, the ''Romance of the Rose'' satirized the conventions of [[courtly love]] while also critically depicting women as little more than seducers. De Pizan helped to instigate the debate when she objected to the use of vulgar terms in de Meun’s allegorical poem, arguing these terms denigrated the proper and natural function of [[sexuality]] and that such language was inappropriate for female characters. According to de Pizan, noblewomen did not use such language, and de Meun was purposely slandering women through his depiction of them.
In the “Querelle du Roman de la Rose,” de Pizan also responded to Jean de Montreuil—not to be confused with Jean de Meun—who had written a treatise defending the misogynist sentiments in the ''Romance of the Rose''. She begins by claiming that her opponent was an “expert in rhetoric” as compared to herself “a woman ignorant of subtle understanding and agile sentiment.” In this particular apologetic response, de Pizan appears to belittle her own style, while employing a rhetorical strategy by writing against the grain of her meaning, also known as [[antiphrasis]].
The debate between de Pizan and de Montreuil widened to include other writers and expanded well beyond the issue of Jean de Meun’s work. Due to the participation of de Pizan in the debate, the focus shifted to the unjust slander of women in literary texts in general. This dispute helped to establish de Pizan’s reputation as a female intellectual who could assert herself effectively and defend her claims in the male-dominated literary realm. De Pizan continued to counter abusive literary treatments of women in many other works as well.
===Other works===
By 1405, Christine de Pizan had completed her most successful literary works: ''[[The Book of the City of Ladies]]'' and ''[[The Treasure of the City of Ladies]]'', also called ''[[The Book of the Three Virtues]]''. The first of these showed the importance of women’s past contributions to society, and the second strove to teach women of all estates how to cultivate useful qualities in order to counteract the growth of [[misogyny]].
[[image:Meister der 'Cité des Dames' 002.jpg|thumb|350px|right|De Pizan (left) in an illustration from ''The Book of the City of Ladies'']]
In her ''The Book of the City of Ladies'' de Pizan created a mythical city in which women are appreciated and defended. Having no past female literary figures to call upon, she constructed three allegorical foremothers: [[Reason]], [[Justice]], and [[Rectitude]]. She then entered into a dialogue with these figures from a completely female perspective. The three women lift de Pizan up from her despair over the misogyny prevalent in her time. Together, they create a forum to speak on issues of consequence to all women. Only female voices, examples, and opinions are expressed within this text. Through ''Lady Reason'' de Pizan argues that stereotypes of women can be sustained only if women are prevented from entering the dominant male-oriented conversation. In this work, de Pizan hoped to establish truths about women that contradicted the negative stereotypes that she had identified in previous literature. This unique text provided powerful positive images of women—ranging from [[warrior]]s, [[inventor]]s, and [[scholar]]s to [[prophetess]]es, [[artist]]s, and [[saint]]s. It offered fascinating insight into the debates and controversies about the role of women in medieval culture where women were usually seen as the source of vice.
''The Treasure of the City of Ladies/Book of the Three Virtues'' highlighted the persuasive effect of women’s speech and actions in everyday life. Here, de Pizan argued that noblewomen must recognize and promote their ability to make peace. This ability will allow each woman to mediate between her husband and his subjects. She also claims that slanderous speech erodes one’s honor and threatens the sisterly bond among women. She argues that "skill in discourse should be a part of every woman’s moral repertoire." De Pizan understood that a woman’s influence is realized when her speech accords value to [[chastity]], [[virtue]], and restraint. She demonstrated that rhetoric is a powerful tool that women could employ to settle differences and to assert themselves. Overall, she presented a concrete strategy that allowed all women, regardless of their status, to undermine the dominant patriarchal discourse. She has harsh words for lazy, ostentatious clotheshorses, but also recommends "justifiable hypocrisy" to prevail over schemers. The book was a kind of manual of good behavior containing both moral and practical advice, not only to noblewomen, but to women of all classes, while giving a rare glimpse into the daily life and household management of medieval households.
As a result of her literary success de Pizan was doing well enough financially by this time that she could write:
<blockquote>I thought I would multiply this work throughout the world in various copies, whatever the cost might be, and present it in particular places to [[queen]]s, [[princess]]es, and noble ladies. Through their efforts, it will be the more honored and praised, as is fitting, and better circulated among other women. I already have started this process; so that this book will be examined, read and published in all countries. (''The Book of Three Virtues'', p. 224)</blockquote>
[[Image:Christine de Pisan and Queen Isabeau detail.jpg|thumb|200px|Christine de Pizan, kneeling, presents her book to Queen [[Isabeau of Bavaria]].]]
De Pizan specifically sought out other women to collaborate with in the creation of her work. She makes special mention of a manuscript illuminator known only as [[Anastasia (artist)|Anastasia]], whom she described as the most talented of her day.
<blockquote>I know a woman... Anastasia, who is so learned and skilled in painting manuscript borders and miniature backgrounds that one cannot find an artisan in all the city of Paris-where the best in the world are found-who can surpass her... People cannot stop talking about her... she has executed several things for me, which stand out among the ornamental borders of the great masters. (City of Ladies p. 85) <ref>Ripely, Doré. [ Christine de Pizan: An illuminated Voice] Retrieved December 7, 2008.</ref></blockquote>
De Pizan appears in the simple dress typical of her in many of the illuminations in her books. Some of these scenes are apparently not done by men, due to the candid and personal images of the women. In that era, no woman of the nobility would allow a man to see her so informally.
De Pizan's ''Collected Works'', which she presented to Queen Isabeau of France between 1410-1415 (now in the [[British Library]]), was her final supervision of an illuminated manuscript. This work reflects the words of a woman, transcribed by a woman, illustrated by a female artist, and presented to a queen in court.
===Political writings===
De Pizan's concern for politics began quietly with her 1403 work ''The Path of Long Study'', about the proper behavior of princes and chivalry, establishing her contemporary scholarly reputation. However, she never names of specific persons or accuses any leader of wrongdoing. However, in 1412, during the threat of [[civil war]] by the French noble factions, de Pizan wrote ''The Lamentation on the Evils That Have Befallen France'' in which she named several aristocrats whom she felt were at fault. Around the same time, she stopped publishing her work. Her writings put her in a precarious position during the lead-up to the French civil war. And even though she had patrons on both sides of the struggle, her criticism of particular leaders threatened her situation.
===Later life===
[[Image:Joan of Arc on horseback.png|thumb|160px|Joan of Arc, from a 1505 manuscript]]
In 1418 de Pizan left Paris, never to return taking refuge in an abbey. She spent the remainder of her life enclosed in the abbey "due to treachery," which was probably a result of her criticism of political leaders. <ref>[ Ditie de Jehanne d'Arc - French w/ English translation] Retrieved December 7, 2008.</ref>
De Pizan’s final work was a poem eulogizing [[Joan of Arc]] (who still lived at the time), the peasant girl who took a very public role in organizing French military resistance to English domination in the early fifteenth century. Written in 1429, ''The Tale of Joan of Arc'' celebrates the appearance of a woman military leader who, according to de Pizan, vindicated and rewarded all women’s efforts to defend their own sex. This unique work vividly caught the rise of optimism of the French soldiers due to Joan's leadership. It also reflected the wonder and gratitude of the people at the miraculous intervention of divine Providence in the person of Joan.
After completing this particular poem of 61 verses, it seems that de Pizan, at the age of 65, decided to end her literary career. The exact date of her death is unknown.
De Pizan's death did not diminish appreciation for her renowned literary works. Instead, her legacy continued on due to the voice she established as an authoritative rhetorician.
Whether Christine de Pizan was a [[pre-feminist]] or not, she stands out as a unique woman writer and analyst of the fourteenth century who also contributed to the rhetorical tradition as a woman counteracting the dominant male discourse of the time. Her concept of a woman's ideal role included raising a [[family]] and devotion to a lost beloved husband. It stressed that the disrespectful language used by some writers against women misrepresented the real facts about women, but she stopped short of challenging men's right to rule in the family, church, and kingdom.
Rhetorical scholars have extensively studied her persuasive strategies. It has been concluded that de Pizan successfully forged a rhetorical identity for herself, and also encouraged other women to embrace this identity by counteracting misogynist thinking through the powerful tool of persuasive dialogue. Her writings have found renewed popularity in the contemporary era and are read today by women and men alike in many languages.
* L'Épistre au Dieu d'amours (1399) (Epistle on the Love of God)
* Dit de la Rose (1402) (Tale of the Rose)
* Cent Ballades d'Amant et de Dame, Virelyas, Rondeaux (1402) (100 Ballads)
* Le Chemin de long estude (1403) (Book of Long Study)
* Le Livre des fais et bonners meurs du sage roy Charles V (1404) (Biography of King Charles V)
* Le Livre de la cité des dames (1405) (Book of the City of Women)
* Le Livre des trois vertus (1405) (Book of the Three Virtues)
* L'Avision de Christine (1405) (The Vision of Christine: An inspirational piece on de Pizan's commentary on the writings of Thomas Aquinas)
* Livre du corps de policie (1407) (Book of the Rules of Policy)
* Livre de la mutation de fortune (1410) (Book of the Change of Fortune)
* Livre de paix (1413) (Book of Peace)
* Ditié de Jehanne d'Arc (1429) (The Tale of Joan d'Arc)
==See also==
*[[Courtly love]]
*[[Joan of Arc]]
*[[Women's history]]
* Campbell, Karlyn K., ''Three Tall Women: Radical Challenges to Criticism, Pedagogy, and Theory'', Allyn and Bacon, 2003. ISBN 9780205375912
* de Pizan, Dhristine and Rosalind Brown-Grant, ed. ''The Book of the City of Ladies'', Penguin Classics, 2000. ISBN 9780140446890
* de Pisan, Christine, Madeleine Pelner Cosman (authors), and Charity Cannon Willard (trans). ''A Medieval Woman's Mirror of Honor: The Treasury of the City of Ladies'', Bard Hall Press, 2001. ISBN 9780892551354 
* Green, Karen, and Mews, Constant, eds, ''Healing the Body Politic: The Political Thought of Christine de Pizan'', Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2005. ISBN 9782503516363
* Redfern, Jenny, "Christine de Pisan and The Treasure of the City of Ladies: A Medieval Rhetorician and Her Rhetoric" in Lunsford, Andrea A, ed. ''Reclaiming Rhetorica: Women and in the Rhetorical Tradition'', Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995. ISBN 9780822955535
* Richards, Earl Jeffrey, ed. ''Reinterpreting Christine de Pizan'', Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1992. ISBN 9780820313078
* Quilligan, Maureen, ''The Allegory of Female Authority: Christine de Pizan's "Cité des Dames".'' New York: Cornell University Press, 1991. ISBN 9780801497889
* Willard, Charity C., ed. ''The "Livre de Paix" of Christine de Pisan: A Critical Edition'', The Hague: Mouton, 1958. {{ASIN|B000HTLU76}}
* ___________________ ''Christine de Pizan: Her Life and Works'', George Braziller, 1990. ISBN 9780892551521
==External links==
All links retrieved December 7, 2008.
* Riley, Doré. [ Christine de Pizan: An Illuminated Voice]
* [ Ditie de Jehanne d'Arc - French w/ English translation]
* [ Comprehensive bibliography of her works, including listings of the manuscripts, editions, translations, and essays] in French at [ Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (Arlima)]
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Revision as of 18:53, 14 April 2009

File:Christine de pisan.jpg
Christine de Pizan

Christine de Pizan (also spelled de Pisan, 1363–c.1434) was a writer and analyst of the late medieval era who challenged the misogynistic stereotypes prevalent in the male-dominated realm of literature. She was Europe’s first professional woman writer, completing 41 known literary works during her 33 year career from 1399 to 1429.

De Pizan's success stemmed from a wide range of innovative writing and rhetorical techniques that challenged renowned male writers such as Jean de Meun, author of the famed Romance of the Rose who, to Pizan’s dismay, expressed strongly disrespectful, anti-woman attitudes. Her most successful works were The Book of the City of Ladies and The Book of the Three Virtues, which stressed the importance of women’s contributions to society and taught women of all estates to cultivate characteristics that would quell the growth of misogyny.

Ignored for centuries, in recent decades de Pizan's work has been returned to prominence. Some scholars argue that she should be seen as an early feminist who efficiently used language to convey that women could play an important role within society. Other critics claim either that it is an anachronistic use of the word "feminist" to describe her, or that her beliefs were not progressive enough to merit such a designation. In any case, she was not only a pioneer woman writer, but the first woman to openly challenge male attitudes in the field of literature, which had previously been their virtual exclusive turf.


Christine de Pizan was born in Venice, Italy 1364. She was the daughter of Tommaso di Benvenuto da Pizzano (also called Thomas de Pizan; named for the family's origins in the town of Pisano), a physician, professor of astrology, and councilor of the Republic of Venice. Following Christine’s birth, her father accepted an appointment to the court of Charles V of France as the king’s astrologer, alchemist, and physician. In this atmosphere, Christine was able to pursue her intellectual interests. She had access to Charles V’s royal archive housing a vast number of manuscripts and successfully educated herself by studying languages, the rediscovered classics, and the humanism of the early Renaissance.

Christine de Pizan instructing her son.

Christine married Etienne du Castel, a royal secretary to the court, at the age of 15. She bore three children, a daughter who went to live at the Dominican Abbey in Poissy in 1397 as a companion to the king's daughter, a son Jean, and another child who died in childhood. De Pizan’s familial life was threatened in 1390, however, when her husband suddenly died in an epidemic while in Beauvais on a mission with the king. Left at the age of 24 to support a large household including three children, her mother and a niece, she also had to pay off her husband's extensive debts. When she tried to collect money due to her husband’s estate, she faced complicated lawsuits regarding the recovery of the salary due to her husband.

In order to support herself and her family, de Pizan turned to writing. At first this activity was a form of therapy to deal with the misery of widowhood. However, de Pizan's personal reflections led to the creation of a new style of poetry lamenting widowhood.

Some believe that de Pizan also worked as a copyist and even perhaps an illumanist for manuscripts in the expanding book trade in the decade following her husband's death, yet before she published any of her texts. Illumination and transcription were two professions still open to women, even though job opportunities for women decreased in the fourteenth century. However, women did not work alongside men for fear of losing their reputation, and thus de Pizan would have worked along side other women in the field or in her own home.

By 1393, she wrote several love ballads which caught the attention of wealthy patrons within the court, who were intrigued by the novelty of a female writer and who had her compose texts about their own romantic exploits. De Pizan's output during this period was prolific. Between 1393 and 1412, she composed over 300 ballads, and many more shorter poems. She also wrote a highly regarded biography of Charles V of France.

'Querelle du Roman de la Rose'

Christine de Pizan lecturing to a group of men.

De Pizan’s participation in a literary quarrel in 1401–140, allowed her to move beyond courtly circles and ultimately established her status as a writer concerned with the position of women in society. During these years, she involved herself in a renowned literary debate, the “Querelle du Roman de la Rose” ("Questions concerning the Romance of the Rose"). Written by Jean de Meun in the thirteenth century, the Romance of the Rose satirized the conventions of courtly love while also critically depicting women as little more than seducers. De Pizan helped to instigate the debate when she objected to the use of vulgar terms in de Meun’s allegorical poem, arguing these terms denigrated the proper and natural function of sexuality and that such language was inappropriate for female characters. According to de Pizan, noblewomen did not use such language, and de Meun was purposely slandering women through his depiction of them.

In the “Querelle du Roman de la Rose,” de Pizan also responded to Jean de Montreuil—not to be confused with Jean de Meun—who had written a treatise defending the misogynist sentiments in the Romance of the Rose. She begins by claiming that her opponent was an “expert in rhetoric” as compared to herself “a woman ignorant of subtle understanding and agile sentiment.” In this particular apologetic response, de Pizan appears to belittle her own style, while employing a rhetorical strategy by writing against the grain of her meaning, also known as antiphrasis.

The debate between de Pizan and de Montreuil widened to include other writers and expanded well beyond the issue of Jean de Meun’s work. Due to the participation of de Pizan in the debate, the focus shifted to the unjust slander of women in literary texts in general. This dispute helped to establish de Pizan’s reputation as a female intellectual who could assert herself effectively and defend her claims in the male-dominated literary realm. De Pizan continued to counter abusive literary treatments of women in many other works as well.

Other works

By 1405, Christine de Pizan had completed her most successful literary works: The Book of the City of Ladies and The Treasure of the City of Ladies, also called The Book of the Three Virtues. The first of these showed the importance of women’s past contributions to society, and the second strove to teach women of all estates how to cultivate useful qualities in order to counteract the growth of misogyny.

De Pizan (left) in an illustration from The Book of the City of Ladies

In her The Book of the City of Ladies de Pizan created a mythical city in which women are appreciated and defended. Having no past female literary figures to call upon, she constructed three allegorical foremothers: Reason, Justice, and Rectitude. She then entered into a dialogue with these figures from a completely female perspective. The three women lift de Pizan up from her despair over the misogyny prevalent in her time. Together, they create a forum to speak on issues of consequence to all women. Only female voices, examples, and opinions are expressed within this text. Through Lady Reason de Pizan argues that stereotypes of women can be sustained only if women are prevented from entering the dominant male-oriented conversation. In this work, de Pizan hoped to establish truths about women that contradicted the negative stereotypes that she had identified in previous literature. This unique text provided powerful positive images of women—ranging from warriors, inventors, and scholars to prophetesses, artists, and saints. It offered fascinating insight into the debates and controversies about the role of women in medieval culture where women were usually seen as the source of vice.

The Treasure of the City of Ladies/Book of the Three Virtues highlighted the persuasive effect of women’s speech and actions in everyday life. Here, de Pizan argued that noblewomen must recognize and promote their ability to make peace. This ability will allow each woman to mediate between her husband and his subjects. She also claims that slanderous speech erodes one’s honor and threatens the sisterly bond among women. She argues that "skill in discourse should be a part of every woman’s moral repertoire." De Pizan understood that a woman’s influence is realized when her speech accords value to chastity, virtue, and restraint. She demonstrated that rhetoric is a powerful tool that women could employ to settle differences and to assert themselves. Overall, she presented a concrete strategy that allowed all women, regardless of their status, to undermine the dominant patriarchal discourse. She has harsh words for lazy, ostentatious clotheshorses, but also recommends "justifiable hypocrisy" to prevail over schemers. The book was a kind of manual of good behavior containing both moral and practical advice, not only to noblewomen, but to women of all classes, while giving a rare glimpse into the daily life and household management of medieval households.

As a result of her literary success de Pizan was doing well enough financially by this time that she could write:

I thought I would multiply this work throughout the world in various copies, whatever the cost might be, and present it in particular places to queens, princesses, and noble ladies. Through their efforts, it will be the more honored and praised, as is fitting, and better circulated among other women. I already have started this process; so that this book will be examined, read and published in all countries. (The Book of Three Virtues, p. 224)

Christine de Pizan, kneeling, presents her book to Queen Isabeau of Bavaria.

De Pizan specifically sought out other women to collaborate with in the creation of her work. She makes special mention of a manuscript illuminator known only as Anastasia, whom she described as the most talented of her day.

I know a woman... Anastasia, who is so learned and skilled in painting manuscript borders and miniature backgrounds that one cannot find an artisan in all the city of Paris-where the best in the world are found-who can surpass her... People cannot stop talking about her... she has executed several things for me, which stand out among the ornamental borders of the great masters. (City of Ladies p. 85) [1]

De Pizan appears in the simple dress typical of her in many of the illuminations in her books. Some of these scenes are apparently not done by men, due to the candid and personal images of the women. In that era, no woman of the nobility would allow a man to see her so informally.

De Pizan's Collected Works, which she presented to Queen Isabeau of France between 1410-1415 (now in the British Library), was her final supervision of an illuminated manuscript. This work reflects the words of a woman, transcribed by a woman, illustrated by a female artist, and presented to a queen in court.

Political writings

De Pizan's concern for politics began quietly with her 1403 work The Path of Long Study, about the proper behavior of princes and chivalry, establishing her contemporary scholarly reputation. However, she never names of specific persons or accuses any leader of wrongdoing. However, in 1412, during the threat of civil war by the French noble factions, de Pizan wrote The Lamentation on the Evils That Have Befallen France in which she named several aristocrats whom she felt were at fault. Around the same time, she stopped publishing her work. Her writings put her in a precarious position during the lead-up to the French civil war. And even though she had patrons on both sides of the struggle, her criticism of particular leaders threatened her situation.

Later life

File:Joan of Arc on horseback.png
Joan of Arc, from a 1505 manuscript

In 1418 de Pizan left Paris, never to return taking refuge in an abbey. She spent the remainder of her life enclosed in the abbey "due to treachery," which was probably a result of her criticism of political leaders. [2]

De Pizan’s final work was a poem eulogizing Joan of Arc (who still lived at the time), the peasant girl who took a very public role in organizing French military resistance to English domination in the early fifteenth century. Written in 1429, The Tale of Joan of Arc celebrates the appearance of a woman military leader who, according to de Pizan, vindicated and rewarded all women’s efforts to defend their own sex. This unique work vividly caught the rise of optimism of the French soldiers due to Joan's leadership. It also reflected the wonder and gratitude of the people at the miraculous intervention of divine Providence in the person of Joan.

After completing this particular poem of 61 verses, it seems that de Pizan, at the age of 65, decided to end her literary career. The exact date of her death is unknown.


De Pizan's death did not diminish appreciation for her renowned literary works. Instead, her legacy continued on due to the voice she established as an authoritative rhetorician.

Whether Christine de Pizan was a pre-feminist or not, she stands out as a unique woman writer and analyst of the fourteenth century who also contributed to the rhetorical tradition as a woman counteracting the dominant male discourse of the time. Her concept of a woman's ideal role included raising a family and devotion to a lost beloved husband. It stressed that the disrespectful language used by some writers against women misrepresented the real facts about women, but she stopped short of challenging men's right to rule in the family, church, and kingdom.

Rhetorical scholars have extensively studied her persuasive strategies. It has been concluded that de Pizan successfully forged a rhetorical identity for herself, and also encouraged other women to embrace this identity by counteracting misogynist thinking through the powerful tool of persuasive dialogue. Her writings have found renewed popularity in the contemporary era and are read today by women and men alike in many languages.


  • L'Épistre au Dieu d'amours (1399) (Epistle on the Love of God)
  • Dit de la Rose (1402) (Tale of the Rose)
  • Cent Ballades d'Amant et de Dame, Virelyas, Rondeaux (1402) (100 Ballads)
  • Le Chemin de long estude (1403) (Book of Long Study)
  • Le Livre des fais et bonners meurs du sage roy Charles V (1404) (Biography of King Charles V)
  • Le Livre de la cité des dames (1405) (Book of the City of Women)
  • Le Livre des trois vertus (1405) (Book of the Three Virtues)
  • L'Avision de Christine (1405) (The Vision of Christine: An inspirational piece on de Pizan's commentary on the writings of Thomas Aquinas)
  • Livre du corps de policie (1407) (Book of the Rules of Policy)
  • Livre de la mutation de fortune (1410) (Book of the Change of Fortune)
  • Livre de paix (1413) (Book of Peace)
  • Ditié de Jehanne d'Arc (1429) (The Tale of Joan d'Arc)

See also


  1. Ripely, Doré. Christine de Pizan: An illuminated Voice Retrieved December 7, 2008.
  2. Ditie de Jehanne d'Arc - French w/ English translation Retrieved December 7, 2008.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Campbell, Karlyn K., Three Tall Women: Radical Challenges to Criticism, Pedagogy, and Theory, Allyn and Bacon, 2003. ISBN 9780205375912
  • de Pizan, Dhristine and Rosalind Brown-Grant, ed. The Book of the City of Ladies, Penguin Classics, 2000. ISBN 9780140446890
  • de Pisan, Christine, Madeleine Pelner Cosman (authors), and Charity Cannon Willard (trans). A Medieval Woman's Mirror of Honor: The Treasury of the City of Ladies, Bard Hall Press, 2001. ISBN 9780892551354
  • Green, Karen, and Mews, Constant, eds, Healing the Body Politic: The Political Thought of Christine de Pizan, Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2005. ISBN 9782503516363
  • Redfern, Jenny, "Christine de Pisan and The Treasure of the City of Ladies: A Medieval Rhetorician and Her Rhetoric" in Lunsford, Andrea A, ed. Reclaiming Rhetorica: Women and in the Rhetorical Tradition, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995. ISBN 9780822955535
  • Richards, Earl Jeffrey, ed. Reinterpreting Christine de Pizan, Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1992. ISBN 9780820313078
  • Quilligan, Maureen, The Allegory of Female Authority: Christine de Pizan's "Cité des Dames". New York: Cornell University Press, 1991. ISBN 9780801497889
  • Willard, Charity C., ed. The "Livre de Paix" of Christine de Pisan: A Critical Edition, The Hague: Mouton, 1958. ASIN B000HTLU76
  • ___________________ Christine de Pizan: Her Life and Works, George Braziller, 1990. ISBN 9780892551521

External links

All links retrieved December 7, 2008.

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