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Adolph Ochs coined the New York Times' slogan "All the news that's fit to print" and made it a trustworthy newspaper (source: Adolph Ochs)

Featured Article: Western United States

The 13 Western States as defined by the United States Census Bureau
The Western United States—commonly referred to as the American West or simply The West—traditionally refers to the region comprising the westernmost states of the United States. Since the United States has expanded westward since its founding, the definition of the West has evolved over time. The Mississippi River is often referenced as the easternmost possible boundary of the West. The "West" played an important part in American history and is embedded in America's folklore.

Popular Article: Mediumship

Séance conducted by John Beattie, Bristol, England, 1872
In spiritualism, the term Medium refers to a person with a psychic ability to produce phenomena of a mental or physical nature by "channeling" or communicating with a spiritual entity. Mediumship involves cooperative communication between a human and one or more discarnate, spirit personalities, often during a séance. Information may be attained, paranormal activities may occur, energies may be channeled, or the spirit may manifest itself materially. As with most paranormal phenomena, mediumship has been the subject of extreme controversy. While many alleged mediums have been revealed as frauds, there is continued, and even increasing, interest in the phenomenon and those claiming the ability, reflecting the long-standing belief that the world consists of more than that which can be known through physical senses.

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