Pope John XXIII

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(''Giovanni XXIII''), born '''Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli''' (November 25, 1881 – June 3, 1963), was elected as the 261st Pope of the Roman Catholic Church and monarch of Vatican City on October 28, 1958. He called the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) but did not live to see it to completion.  Two months before his death, he completed  his final encyclical, ''[[Pacem in Terris]]''. He was beatified on September 3, 2000, along with Pope Pius IX. They were the first popes since Pope Pius X to receive this honor.
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{{epname|Pope John XXIII}}
==Earlier life==
[[Image:PapalMass1.JPG|thumb|Solemn Pontifical High Mass Celebrated by Pope John XXIII in St. Peter's Basilica in the early 1960s]]
Angelo Roncalli was born on November 25, 1881, in [[Sotto il Monte]], a small town in the [[Province of Bergamo]], [[Italy]]. He was the son of Giovanni Battista Roncalli and his wife Marianna Giulia Mazzolla. The fourth in a family of 13, his family worked as [[sharecropper]]s. This was a striking contrast to his predecessor, [[Pope Pius XII|Eugenio Pacelli]], who came from an ancient [[aristocrat]]ic family, long connected to the [[Papacy]].
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In 1904, Roncalli was [[ordained]] a [[priest]] in the [[Roman]] [[Church]] of Santa Maria in Monte Santo.
In 1905, Giacomo Radini-Tedeschi, the new bishop of Bergamo, appointed Roncalli as his secretary. Roncalli worked for Radini-Tedeschi until the bishop's death in 1914. During this period Roncalli was also a teacher in the diocesan seminary.
'''Pope John XXIII''' (Italian: Giovanni XXIII), born ''Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli'' (November 25, 1881 – June 3, 1963), was elected as the 261st pope of the [[Roman Catholic Church]] and monarch of [[Vatican City]] on October 28, 1958. He called the [[Second Vatican Council]] (1962-1965), known as [[Vatican II]], although he did not live to see it to completion. He took [[ecumenism|ecumenical]] unity seriously. He opened the door of the Catholic Church to other religions and also to the world. Two months before his [[death]], he completed his final encyclical, ''Pacem in Terris'' ("Peace on Earth"). He was beatified on September 3, 2000.  
Pope John XXIII was instrumental in opening up the Roman Catholic Church to reform by launching Vatican II and abolishing some antiquated practices. His actions were widely praised not only in the Catholic Church but throughout the world, despite the objections of small groups of traditionalists. Because of his Church renewal in this regard and also because of his vision of world peace in the universal [[family]] of humanity, he was perhaps the most important pope since the [[Middle Ages]].
During [[World War I]], Roncalli was drafted into the Royal Italian Army as a [[sergeant]], serving in the medical corps and as a [[chaplain]].
==Life and Work==
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===Early life===
In 1921, [[Pope Benedict XV]] appointed him as the Italian president of the [[Society for the Propagation of the Faith]]. In 1925 [[Pope Pius XI]] appointed him as [[Apostolic Visitor]] to [[Bulgaria]], also naming him for [[consecration]] as [[titular bishop]] of [[Areopoli]]s. He chose as his episcopal [[motto]] ''Obedientia et Pax'' ("Obedience and Peace"), which became his guiding motto.
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was born on November 25, 1881, in Sotto il Monte, a small town in the Province of Bergamo, [[Italy]]. He was the first son of Giovanni Battista Roncalli and his wife Marianna Giulia Mazzolla. The fourth in a family of 13 children, his family worked as sharecroppers. His humble roots were a striking contrast to his predecessor, [[Pope Pius XII]], Eugenio Pacelli, who came from an ancient aristocratic [[family]], long connected to the [[papacy]].
In 1935 he was made [[Apostolic Delegate]] to [[Turkey]] and [[Greece]]. Roncalli used this office to help the Jewish underground in saving thousands of refugees in [[Europe]].This lead some to consider him to be a [[Righteous Gentile]]. In 1944, during [[World War II]], [[Pope Pius XII]] named him [[Apostolic Nuncio]] to Paris, France.
In 1904, Roncalli was ordained a priest in the Roman Church of Santa Maria in Monte Santo. In 1905, Giacomo Radini-Tedeschi, the new [[bishop]] of Bergamo, appointed Roncalli as his secretary. Roncalli worked for Radini-Tedeschi until the bishop's [[death]] in 1914. During this period he was also a teacher in the diocesan seminary. During [[World War I]], Roncalli was drafted into the Royal Italian Army as a sergeant, serving in the medical corps and as a chaplain.
In 1953, he was named the [[Patriarch of Venice]], and, accordingly, raised to the rank of [[Cardinal]]. As a sign of his esteem, President [[Vincent Auriol]] of France, claimed the ancient privilege possessed by French [[monarch]]s. He bestowed the [[Red hat]] on the now-Cardinal Roncalli at a ceremony in the [[Elysee Palace]].
In 1921, [[Pope Benedict XV]] appointed him as the Italian president of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. In 1925, [[Pope Pius XI]] appointed him as Apostolic Visitor to Bulgaria, also naming him for consecration as titular bishop of Areopolis. He chose as his episcopal motto ''Obedientia et Pax'' ("Obedience and Peace"), which became his guiding motto.
==Election as pope==
In 1935, he was made Apostolic Delegate to [[Turkey]] and [[Greece]]. Roncalli used this office to help the Jewish underground in saving thousands of [[refugee]]s in Europe. This led some to consider him to be a [[Righteous Gentile]]. In 1944, during World War II, Pope Pius XII named him as Apostolic Nuncio to [[Paris]], [[France]]. In the fall of 1948, while still in Paris, he aided [[René Cassin]], the principal drafter of the [[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]], in drafting it, although the Vatican newspaper ''Osservatore Romano'' later attacked the declaration itself for failing to recognize the sovereignty of God.
[[Image:John XXIII coa.png|thumb|left|150px|Pope John's Coat of Arms]]
The [[1958 papal conclave]] which elected Roncalli as pope was later surrounded by [[conspiracy]]. They claimed that a conservative cardinal, [[Giuseppe Cardinal Siri]], was the conclave's first choice for pope, but was forced amid threats of [[pogrom]]s against Roman Catholics in the [[Eastern Bloc]] to decline the papal tiara. The claim is accepted only by some separatist [[sedevacantist]] and [[conclavist]] groups.
In 1953, he was named the Patriarch of Venice, and, accordingly, raised to the rank of [[Cardinal (Catholicism)|cardinal]].
The [[United States]] [[Federal Bureau of Investigation]] (FBI) allegedly claimed that Siri had indeed been elected on the third ballot of the [[1958 papal conclave]].<ref>Department of State secret dispatch, "John XXIII," issue date: [[November 20]], [[1958]], declassified: [[November 11]], Paul L. Williams, ''The Vatican Exposed'' (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003), pp. 90-92.</ref> What is unambiguously known is that [[Vatican Radio]] did conclude, on the basis of apparently white smoke, that a pope had been elected on the third ballot. They announced it as such, telling listeners "The smoke is white. . . . There is absolutely no doubt. A pope has been elected."<ref>''The Tablet'', November 1, 1958</ref> An FBI source also claimed that Siri was elected a second time on the third ballot.<ref>Department of State secret file, "Cardinal Siri," issue date: April 10, 1961, declassified: February 28, 1994, William, ''Op. Cit'' pp.90-92.</ref> After the 6pm 3rd ballot, white smoke appeared. This confused the public. The [[Swiss Guards]] assembled to give the ceremonial salute to the new pontiff, only to have to withdraw again.
===Election as pope===
The white smoke often had proven a confusing symbol in the past, leading [[Pope John Paul II]] to decree the use of ringing bells in addition to the smoke after a papal election. Allegedly, Siri had even chosen a name, "Gregory XVII". He was preparing to appear at the balcony, but was threatened somehow and forced aside, leaving the cardinals free to elect Roncalli as Pope.
Following the death of [[Pope Pius XII]] in 1958, Roncalli had arrived in the [[Vatican]] with a return train ticket to [[Venice]]. It was to his own great surprise that he was elected pope. Many had considered Archbishop Montini of Milan to be a possible candidate because he was from one of the most ancient and prominent Episcopal Sees in [[Italy]]. But he had not yet been created a [[cardinal (Catholicism)|cardinal]]; so, he was not present at the 1958 [[Papal Conclave|conclave]]. Most of the cardinals abided by the established precedent of voting only for a member of the College of Cardinals, in spite of the affirmation of the [[Canon Law]] that any celibate Catholic male could be chosen. After the long pontificate of Pope Pius XII, the cardinals chose an elderly man, who they presumed would only be a short-term or "stop-gap" pope. (In Pope John XXIII's first consistory, or Papal Council, Montini was raised to the rank of cardinal, and was eventually elected as John's successor, [[Paul VI|Pope Paul VI]].)
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Supporters of this theory maintained that Siri was informed that his election would lead to anti-Catholic [[pogrom]]s in the [[Eastern Bloc]]. They claim that rather than endanger the lives of Catholics in the [[Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]] and elsewhere, Siri announced ''non accepto'' (I do not accept).
According to the proponents of this claim, Siri was still validly pope, and as such had the papal graces and protection of the [[Holy Ghost]], while John  did not. This lead to modifications by the [[Second Vatican Council]]. Such speculations can neither be proved or disproved, as papal conclaves are held under the strictest secrecy, with violations punishable by [[excommunication]].
The 1958 conclave which elected Roncalli as pope was later surrounded by suspicion. It has been claimed that a conservative cardinal, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, was the conclave's first choice for pope but was forced, amid threats of pogroms against [[Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholics]] in the Communist Eastern Bloc, to decline the papal tiara. Although this claim has never been accepted by the Vatican, it has been supported by members of [[sedevacantism|sedevacantist]] and [[conclavism|conclavist]] groups.
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Following the death of [[Pope Pius XII]] in 1958, Roncalli had arrived in the Vatican with a return train ticket to Venice. It was to his own great surprise that he was elected Pope. Many had considered  [[Archbishop Montini]], [[Archbishop of Milan]], to be  a possible candidate. He was of one of the most ancient and prominent [[Episcopal Sees]] in Italy but had not yet been created a cardinal.<ref>[http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/paul_vi/biography/documents/hf_p-vi_bio_16071997_biography_en.html ''Pope Paul VI : 1963 - 1978'', Retrieved 28 February 2006.</ref> As a result, he was not present at the 1958 conclave. Most of the cardinals abided by the established precedent of voting only for a member of the College of Cardinals, in spite of the affirmation of the [[Canon law]] of the Catholic Church. This law holds that any celibate Catholic male could be chosen. After the long pontificate of [[Pope Pius XII]], the cardinals chose an elderly man whom, they presumed and possibly hoped would  only be a short-term or "stop-gap" pope. In Pope John's first [[consistory]], Montini was raised to the rank of cardinal, and was himself elected as John's successor, [[Pope Paul VI|Paul VI]].
Pope John XXIII's personal warmth, good humor and kindness captured the world's affections in a way his predecessor, for all his great learning and personal holiness, had failed to do. While [[Pius XII]] would look slightly away and up from the [[camera]] whenever his photograph was taken, John would look directly at the camera and smile. He undertook the first official acts of a pope away from [[Vatican]] territory since 1870 on December 25, 1958, when he visited children suffering from [[polio]] at the Bambin Gesù hospital. He then went on to visit Santo Spirito Hospital. The next day he visited [[Rome]]'s Regina Coeli [[prison]], where he told the prisoners: "You could not come to me, so I came to you." These acts created a sensation, and he wrote in his diary: "… great astonishment in the Roman, Italian and international press. I was hemmed in on all sides: authorities, photographers, prisoners, wardens."<ref>Peter Hebblethwaite. ''Pope John XXIII: Shepherd of the Modern World.'' (Galilee Trade, 1987), 303.</ref>
Pope John's personal warmth, good humour and kindness captured the world's affections in a way his predecessor, for all his great learning and personal holiness, had failed to do. While Pius would look slightly away and up from the camera whenever his photograph was taken, John would look directly at the camera and smile. He undertook the first official acts{{facts}} of a Pope away from Vatican territory since 1870 on 25 December 1958, when he visited children suffering from polio at the Bambin Gesù hospital and then visited Santo Spirito Hospital. The next day he visited Rome's Regina Coeli prison, where he told the prisoners: "You could not come to me, so I came to you." These acts created a sensation, and he wrote in his diary:
===Vatican II===
: ... great astonishment in the Roman, Italian and international press. I was hemmed in on all sides: authorities, photographers, prisoners, wardens ... [Peter Hebblethwaite, Pope John XXIII: Shepherd of the Modern World, Image Books (1987) p. 303]
Less than three months after his election as pope, John XXIII gave notice of his intention to convene an [[Ecumenical Council]]. While he expressed his intention in many messages over the next three years in formal detail, one of the best known images was of Pope John, when asked why the Council was needed, reportedly opening a window and saying, "I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in." The council, called the [[Second Vatican Council]] (colloquially known as [[Vatican II]]), took place from 1962-1965 with four major sessions through which sixteen documents (four constitutions, nine decrees, and three declarations) on important issues were produced. After the death of Pope John, his successor Pope Paul VI carried on John's overall vision, which was therefore reflected in these documents. From Vatican II came changes such as a comprehensively revised Christian [[Liturgy]], a Church renewal, a stronger emphasis on [[ecumenism]], and a new approach to the world, and they reshaped the face of [[Catholicism]].  
Far from being a mere "stop gap" Pope, to great excitement John called an [[ecumenical council]] fewer than ninety years after the controversial [[First Vatican Council|Vatican Council]]. [[Pope Paul VI|Cardinal Montini]] remarked to a friend that "this holy old boy doesn't realize what a hornet's nest he's stirring up".<ref>See ''inter alia'' George Weigel, [http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft0106/reviews/weigel.html "Thinking Through Vatican II"], ''First Things'', June/July, 2001.</ref> From the [[Second Vatican Council]], (colloquially known as Vatican II), came changes that reshaped the face of [[Catholicism]]: a comprehensively revised [[Christian liturgy|Liturgy]], a stronger emphasis on [[ecumenism]] and a new approach to the world.
Perhaps the most theologically profound result of Vatican II was a Church renewal. The "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" ''(Lumen Gentium)'',<ref>[http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_const_19641121_lumen-gentium_en.html "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church."] Retrieved June 16, 2008.</ref> which was approved in the third session in 1964, stressed the spiritual and invisible character of the Church as the [[sacrament]]al sign of God's kingdom, as compared with the older view of the Church as visible, militant, monarchical, and indefectible. This Church renewal brought forth the collegiality of the bishops with the consent of the pope, the increased role of the laity for holiness, and a generalized call for all humans to belong to the Church.  
He met the Most Rev. [[Geoffrey Francis Fisher]], the [[Archbishop of Canterbury]], for about an hour in the [[Vatican City|Vatican]] on December 2, 1960. It was the first time in over 400 years, since the [[excommunication]] of [[Elizabeth I of England|Elizabeth I]], that the Archbishop of Canterbury had met with the Pope.
Even before the approval of the "Decree on Ecumenism" ''(Unitatis Redintegratio)''<ref>[http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decree_19641121_unitatis-redintegratio_en.html "Decree on Ecumenism."] Retrieved June 16, 2008.</ref> in the third session, Pope John, when still alive as the prime mover of Vatican II, had already met the Most Rev. Geoffrey Francis Fisher, the [[Archbishop of Canterbury]], for about an hour in the Vatican on December 2, 1960. It was the first time in over 400 years, since the excommunication of [[Elizabeth I]] of [[England]], that the Archbishop of Canterbury had met with the Pope. In November 1961, history was made again when John XXIII sent official Catholic representatives to a General Assembly in New Delhi of the [[World Council of Churches]]. Needless to say, he communicated also with the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]]. His considerateness for the Jewish faith was well expressed in his directive to remove from the traditional Good Friday liturgy its reference to the "perfidious Jews."
Pope John XXIII [[excommunicated]] [[Fidel Castro]] on January 3, 1962 in line with a 1949 decree by [[Pope Pius XII]] forbidding Catholics from supporting [[communist]] governments.
Pope John issued eight encyclicals during his [[papacy]], at least two of which can perhaps be ranked with the most important documents in the history of [[Christianity]]: ''Mater et Magistra'' ("Mother and Teacher")<ref>[http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_xxiii/encyclicals/documents/hf_j-xxiii_enc_15051961_mater_en.html ''Mater et Magistra''.] Retrieved June 4, 2008.</ref> and ''Pacem in terris'' ("Peace on Earth").<ref>[http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_xxiii/encyclicals/documents/hf_j-xxiii_enc_11041963_pacem_en.html ''Pacem in terris''.] Retrieved June 4, 2008.</ref> ''Mater et Magistra'', dated May 15, 1961, stated that all classes have the right to benefit from [[technology|technological]] advances, and that wealthy nations are obliged to assist underdeveloped ones. ''Pacem in terris,'' issued April 11, 1963, was unique in that it was the first papal encyclical ever addressed not just to [[Roman Catholic Church|Catholics]] but to all people in the world, and it stressed the importance of [[human rights]] and world peace, hoping that the [[United Nations]] will prove to be an ever more effective instrument for these:
==Pope John and papal ceremonial==
<blockquote>It is therefore Our earnest wish that the United Nations Organization may be able progressively to adapt its structure and methods of operation to the magnitude and nobility of its tasks. May the day be not long delayed when every human being can find in this organization an effective safeguard of his personal rights; those rights, that is, which derive directly from his dignity as a human person, and which are therefore universal, inviolable and inalienable. This is all the more desirable in that men today are taking an ever more active part in the public life of their own nations, and in doing so they are showing an increased interest in the affairs of all peoples. They are becoming more and more conscious of being living members of the universal family of mankind.</blockquote>
{{Main|Papal coronation}}
Pope John XXIII was the last pope to use full papal ceremonial, much of which was abolished subsequently after Vatican II. His papal coronation ran for the traditional five hours. Pope Paul VI opted for a shorter ceremony while later popes declined to be crowned. However, as with his predecessor Pope Pius XII, he chose to have the coronation itself take place on the balcony of St. Peter's in view of the crowds assembled in St. Peter's Square.
As images ''(right)'' show, unlike other popes who tended to just wear one papal tiara, John, much to the delight of photographers, wore a number of tiaras from the papal collection. On formal occasions, such as giving the ''[[Urbi et Orbi]]'' blessing he wore the traditional 1877 Palatine tiara he had been crowned with. However, on other occasions he wore the lighter and more comfortable 1922 tiara of Pope Pius XI, which he used so often that it became strongly associated with him.
It is noteworthy that in this document we are all treated with dignity as "living members of the universal family of mankind."
[[Image:Pope John XXIII.jpg|thumb|right|1962 Man of the Year Pope John XXIII]]
As with most other popes in the previous two decades, he was to be given an expensive silver papal tiara by the people of Bergamo. Pope John XXIII asked the makers to halve the number of jewels with which they planned to decorate it and give the financial saving to the poor.  Thus, his tiara was the lightest in the papal collection at 2 lb (900 gram|g. It was given to him eventually, in 1959. None of the tiaras associated with Pope John have been worn by later popes.
Traditional Pontifical High Masses and most papal ceremonial, including the ''flabelli'' (ceremonial fans made of ostrich feathers) and the Palatine Guard, and the saluting of the pope on his arrival at Mass in St. Peter's Basilica by the playing of trumpets, were abolished by Pope Paul VI in phases during his reign.
While maintaining the traditional papal ceremonial, Pope John continued his predecessor's policy of a gradual reform to the [[Roman liturgy]], the last such reform of that rite before the major reform of the liturgy after Vatican II.
Pope John was also the last pope to date to have his Requiem Mass celebrated within St. Peter's Basilica, amid traditional papal pomp. His successor, Pope Paul VI abolished the traditional papal funeral and had his funeral as a simple concelebrated Mass in St. Peter's Square.
===Full papal ceremonial===
(A note on numbering: The previous Pope named John was Pope John The Pope named John before that was Pope John XXI. But the last Pope named John before that was Pope John XIX (1024–32), who was additionally the eighteenth Pope named John. And there is no Pope John XX. This is due to Antipope John XVI having been an anti-pope, and the confusion caused by historians mistakenly believing the legend of a Pope named John between Pope John XIV and Pope John XV.
Pope John XXIII was the last pope to use full papal ceremonial, much of which was abolished subsequently after [[Vatican II]]. His papal coronation ran for the traditional five hours. [[Paul VI|Pope Paul VI]] opted for a shorter ceremony while later popes declined to be crowned. However, as with his predecessor [[Pope Pius XII]], he chose to have the coronation itself take place on the balcony of Saint Peter's in view of the crowds assembled in Saint Peter's Square.
==Final months==
Unlike other popes who tended to wear just one papal tiara, John, much to the delight of photographers, wore a number of tiaras from the papal collection. On formal occasions, such as giving the ''Urbi et Orbi'' blessing he wore the traditional 1877 Palatine tiara with which he had been crowned. However, on other occasions he wore the lighter and more comfortable 1922 tiara of Pope Pius XI, which he used so often that it became strongly associated with him. When he was given an expensive silver papal tiara by the people of Bergamo, Pope John XXIII asked the makers to halve the number of jewels with which they planned to decorate it and give the financial saving to the poor. This tiara became the lightest in the papal collection at 2 lb (900 grams). It was given to him eventually, in 1959. (None of the tiaras associated with Pope John have been worn by later popes).
Pope John was also the last pope to date to have his Requiem Mass celebrated within [[St. Peter's Basilica]], amid traditional papal pomp. His successor, Pope Paul VI abolished the traditional papal [[funeral]] and had his funeral as a simple concelebrated Mass in St. Peter's Square. Indeed, many of the rituals associated with papal ceremonies such as the ''flabelli'' (ceremonial fans made of ostrich feathers), the Palatine Guard, and the saluting of the pope on his arrival at Mass in St. Peter's Basilica by the playing of trumpets, were abolished by his successor, Pope Paul VI, in phases during his reign.
Pope John XXIII was first diagnosed with stomach cancer on September 23, 1962. The diagnosis, which was kept from the public, came after nearly eight years of occasional stomach hemorrhages. These bouts with illness reduced the pontiff's appearances. Looking pale and drawn during events, he gave a hint to his ultimate fate in April 1963, when he said to visitors, "That which happens to all men perhaps will happen soon to the Pope who speaks to you today."
===Death and beatification===
Pope John XXIII was first diagnosed with [[stomach]] [[cancer]] on September 23, 1962. The diagnosis, which was kept from the public, came after nearly eight years of occasional stomach hemorrhages. These bouts with illness reduced the pontiff's appearances. Looking pale and drawn during events, he gave a hint to his ultimate fate on April 1963, when he said to visitors, "That which happens to all men perhaps will happen soon to the Pope who speaks to you today."
On May 11, 1963, the Italian president Antonio Segni awarded Pope John XXIII the very prestiguos [[Balzan Prize]] for his engagement for peace. It was the Pope's last public appearance.
On May 11, 1963, the [[Italy|Italian]] president Antonio Segni awarded Pope John XXIII the very prestigious [[Balzan Prize]] for his engagement for [[peace]]. It was the Pope's last public appearance. On May 25, 1963, the Pope suffered another hemorrhage and required blood transfusions, but peritonitis soon set in, resulting in his death on June 3 at the age of 81. He was buried on June 6, ending a reign of four years, seven months and six days.
On May 25, 1963, the Pope suffered another hemorrhage and required blood transfusions, but peritonitis soon set in, resulting in his death  on June 3 at the age of 81. He was buried on June 6, ending a reign of four years, seven months and six days.
In 2000, he was declared "Blessed" by [[Pope John Paul II]], the penultimate step on the road to [[saint|sainthood]]. His being honored with Beatification, assures with certainty that he lived a life of heroic [[virtue]], and has been proven to be extraordinarily holy. He and [[Pope Pius IX]], were the first popes since [[Pope Pius X]] to receive this honor. Following his Beatification, his body was moved from its original burial place in the grottoes below [[St. Peter's Basilica]], to the altar of [[Saint Jerome]] where it was displayed for the veneration of the faithful.
On December 6, 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson posthumously awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian award, in recognition of the good relationship between Pope John and the United States.
At the time, the body was observed to be extremely well-preserved—a condition which the [[Church]] ascribes to the lack of [[oxygen]] in his sealed triple coffin rather than to any [[miracle|miraculous]] event (although it was certainly seen as such by many of the faithful). When John was moved, the original vault—which was above the floor—was removed. A new vault was built beneath the ground, and Pope John Paul II was later buried in this vault.
Traditionalist Catholics criticize [[Vatican II]] for moving the Church away from the fundamental principles of its historic faith, abandoning the holiness of the Latin Mass and compromising with the world. Yet even ''conservative'' mainstream Catholics defend Vatican II, saying only that the more radical changes made or proposed by liberal churchmen over the last 40 years "in the spirit of Vatican II" are wrong.
Sedevacantist and Conclavist groups on the right of the Catholic Church have been some of Pope John's most outspoken critics. Some groups have even made unsubstantiated claims that John was a Freemason. This allegedly could not be  valid  since Catholics are prohibited from joining Freemasonry under pain of excommunication.  Nevertheless, on that basis, one group, the U.S. Washington State-based "true Catholic Church", elected its only priest as pope in 1998. They claimed that there had been no valid pope since Pope Pius XII died in 1958.
Some who subscribe to the teachings of [[Our Lady of Fatima]] criticize Pope John for allegedly withholding the third secret of prophetic information which had been revealed in 1917 by an apparition of the [[Virgin Mary]] at Fatima, [[Portugal]], and which had been expected to be publicized in 1960 according to her instruction at that apparition.<ref>[http://www.crc-internet.org/dec97.htm "John XXIII against Fatima,"] in The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the XXth Century. Retrieved April 18, 2008.</ref> (It was not until 2000 that it was publicized by [[Pope John Paul II]], and it was allegedly about the murder of the pope and other religious leaders.) This may be related to internet reports in the late 1990s about a supposed "lost diary" where John describes how he himself received from the Virgin Mary prophetic insights into the future, including the return of Jesus in New York in 2000.<ref>[http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/pope.html "Pope John XXIII Predictions"] Retrieved April 18, 2008.</ref> There is no evidence in his officially published diary ''Journal of a Soul'' to suggest that he received apocalyptic visions of the future.
Some also make the claim that John's choice of his regnal name marked him as an antipope. The name John had lain unused since Antipope John XXIII used it in the 14th century. Other Popes however, have similarly used names taken by anti-popes, for example Benedict XIV.
Many who subscribe to the teachings of [[Our Lady of Fatima]] also believe that Pope John deliberately withheld secret prophetic information revealed by an apparition of the Virgin Mary. This concerns the discovery of Pope John's diary.[http://www.crc-internet.org/dec97.htm] On January 3,1960, Pope John XXIII writes, "Christ comes to me again. I yearn to tell my fellow Christians of these miraculous appearances, but I am advised to keep quiet until the time is right. I cannot help but think I could perhaps head off some of the trouble that looms for us all, but Christ tells me that misery must take place for the master plan to succeed." [www.v-j-enterprises.com/pope.html]
These predictions, include a tumultuous future until the return of Jesus Christ in New York in 2000. [http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/pope.html]
[[Image:PapalMass1.JPG|thumb|left|Solemn Pontifical High Mass Celebrated by Pope John XXIII in St. Peter's Basilica in the early 1960s]]
John XXIII was a man of [[love]] beyond [[religion]], beyond [[nation]], and beyond [[culture]]. He loved everyone, and this in turn caused everyone to love him. He has been known affectionately as "Good Pope John" and "the most loved pope in history" by many people. On December 6, 1963, President [[Lyndon B. Johnson]] posthumously awarded him the Presidential [[Medal of Freedom]], the [[United States]]' highest civilian award, in recognition of the good relationship between Pope John and the United States. Many [[Protestantism|Protestant]] organizations honored him as a Christian reformer. Both [[Anglicanism|Anglican]] and [[Lutheranism|Lutheran]] Christian [[denomination]]s commemorated John XXIII as a "renewer of the church." Even the fiercely anti-Catholic Belfast City Council in [[Northern Ireland]] flew the flag over city hall at half-staff in his honor after his death.
Known affectionately as "Good Pope John" and "the most loved Pope in history" by many people. In 2000, John was declared "Blessed" by Pope John Paul II, the penultimate step on the road to sainthood. Following his beatification, his body was moved from its original burial place in the grottoes below St Peter's Basilica, to the altar of St. Jerome where it was displayed for the veneration of the faithful.
At the time, the body was observed to be extremely well-preserved&mdash;a condition which the Church ascribes to the lack of oxygen in his sealed triple coffin rather than to any miraculous event (although it was certainly seen as such by many of the faithful). When John was moved, the original vault &mdash; which was above the floor &mdash; was removed. A new vault was built beneath the ground, and Pope John Paul II was later buried in this vault.
Perhaps his humble and loving personality can be attributed to his upbringing as the son of simple [[Italy|Italian]] peasants. It is amazing that although he was originally expected to be just a short-term "stop-gap" pope as an elderly man, he turned out to be perhaps the most important pontificate since the [[Middle Ages]] because he made the Catholic Church more relevant and available to the world through Vatican II. His vision of world peace in "the universal family of mankind" under [[God]], as expressed in his important encyclical ''Pacem in terris'', is universally true and relevant, and it is what we are expected to realize today.
Pope John XXIII is honored by many Protestant organizations as a Christian reformer. Both Anglican and Lutheran Christian denominations, commemorate John XXIII as a "renewer of the church." Even the fiercely anti-Catholic Belfast City Council flew the flag over city hall at half-mast in his honour after his death.
From his early teens, he maintained a diary of spiritual reflections that was subsequently published as ''Journal of a Soul.'' The collection of writings charts his efforts as a young man to "grow in holiness" and continue after his election to the [[papacy]]. It remains widely read.
From his early teens, he maintained a diary of spiritual reflections that was subsequently published as ''Journal of a Soul''. The collection of writings charts Roncalli's efforts as a young man to "grow in holiness" and continue after his election to the Papacy. It remains widely read.
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{{succession box | before=[[Pope Pius XII|Pius XII]] | title=Pope John XXIII reigned from: | years=1958 - 1963| after=[[Pope Paul VI|Paul VI]] }}
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   See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Footnotes for an explanation of how
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* Peter Hebblethwaite & Margaret Hebblethwaite, ''John XXIII: Pope of the Century'' (Continuum International, 2000) ISBN 0-8264-4995-6
* Malachi Martin, ''The Keys of this Blood'' (New York, NY: Touchstone, 1991)
* Hales, E.E.Y. ''Pope John and His Revolution.'' New York: Doubleday, 1965. ASIN: B0007ELNUA
* Pope John XXIII, ''Journal of a Soul'' (trans. D White, 1965) ISBN 0-225-66895-5
* Hebblethwaite, Peter & Margaret. ''John XXIII: Pope of the Century.'' Continuum International, 2000. ISBN 0225668971
* Paul L. Williams, ''The Vatican Exposed'' (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003) ISBN 1-59102-065-4
* Hebblethwaite, Peter. ''Pope John XXIII: Shepherd of the Modern World.'' Galilee Trade, 1987. ISBN 0385235372 
* Martin, Malachi. ''The Keys of this Blood.'' New York, NY: Touchstone, 1991.
* Pope John XXIII. ''Journal of a Soul,'' Translated by Dorothy White. MacGraw-Hill, 1965.
* Pope John XXIII. ''Journal of a Soul: The Autobiography of Pope John III.'' New York: Image, 1999. ISBN 0385497547
* Pridgeon, Charles, S.J. ''Pope John XXIII's PACEM IN TERRIS (Peace on Earth) In Question and Answer.'' Glasgow: John S. Burns, 1965. ASIN: B000KIK7LY
* Williams, Paul L. ''The Vatican Exposed.'' Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003. ISBN 1591020654
==External links==
==External links==
*[http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20000903_john-xxiii_en.html Vatican biography]
All links retrieved August 3, 2022.
* Pope John XXIII [http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20000903_john-xxiii_en.html Vatican biography] From ''L'Osservatore Romano,'' Weekly Edition in English 6 September 2000
*[http://www.papagiovanni.com/ Official Homepage of the Birthplace House of the Blessed Pope John XXIII]
*[http://www.papagiovanni.com/ Official Homepage of the Birthplace House of the Blessed Pope John XXIII]
*[http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/vennari2.html John XXIII was embalmed; Vatican denies he is subject of miracle of incorruptibility]
*John Vennari, (ed) ''Catholic Family News.'' [http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/vennari2.html John XXIII was embalmed; Vatican denies he is subject of miracle of incorruptibility] ''LewRockwell.com''.
*[http://www.raoulwallenberg.net/?en/news/760.htm Advocating John XXIII as Righteous Among the Nations]
*[http://www.raoulwallenberg.net/?en/news/760.htm Advocating John XXIII as Righteous Among the Nations] ''The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation''
*[http://www.stpetersbasilica.org/Monuments/JohnXXIII/JohnXXIII.htm Monument to John XXIII]
*[http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/homilies/2000/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_20000903_beatification_en.html Homily by Pope John Paul II from Pope John XXIII beatification mass] Sunday, 3 September 2000, ''Libreria Editrice Vaticana''.
*[http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/homilies/2000/documents/hf_jp-ii_hom_20000903_beatification_en.html Homily by Pope John Paul II from Pope John XXIII beatification mass]
* [http://www.intratext.com/Catalogo/Autori/AUT198.HTM Pope John XXIII]: text with concordances and frequency list
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{{succession box | before=[[Pope Pius XII|Pius XII]] | title=[[list of popes|Pope]] of the [[Catholic Church]] | years=1958 - 1963| after=[[Pope Paul VI|Paul VI]] }}
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Latest revision as of 04:45, 3 May 2024

Solemn Pontifical High Mass Celebrated by Pope John XXIII in St. Peter's Basilica in the early 1960s

Pope John XXIII (Italian: Giovanni XXIII), born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli (November 25, 1881 – June 3, 1963), was elected as the 261st pope of the Roman Catholic Church and monarch of Vatican City on October 28, 1958. He called the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), known as Vatican II, although he did not live to see it to completion. He took ecumenical unity seriously. He opened the door of the Catholic Church to other religions and also to the world. Two months before his death, he completed his final encyclical, Pacem in Terris ("Peace on Earth"). He was beatified on September 3, 2000.

Pope John XXIII was instrumental in opening up the Roman Catholic Church to reform by launching Vatican II and abolishing some antiquated practices. His actions were widely praised not only in the Catholic Church but throughout the world, despite the objections of small groups of traditionalists. Because of his Church renewal in this regard and also because of his vision of world peace in the universal family of humanity, he was perhaps the most important pope since the Middle Ages.

Life and Work

Early life

Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was born on November 25, 1881, in Sotto il Monte, a small town in the Province of Bergamo, Italy. He was the first son of Giovanni Battista Roncalli and his wife Marianna Giulia Mazzolla. The fourth in a family of 13 children, his family worked as sharecroppers. His humble roots were a striking contrast to his predecessor, Pope Pius XII, Eugenio Pacelli, who came from an ancient aristocratic family, long connected to the papacy.

In 1904, Roncalli was ordained a priest in the Roman Church of Santa Maria in Monte Santo. In 1905, Giacomo Radini-Tedeschi, the new bishop of Bergamo, appointed Roncalli as his secretary. Roncalli worked for Radini-Tedeschi until the bishop's death in 1914. During this period he was also a teacher in the diocesan seminary. During World War I, Roncalli was drafted into the Royal Italian Army as a sergeant, serving in the medical corps and as a chaplain.

In 1921, Pope Benedict XV appointed him as the Italian president of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. In 1925, Pope Pius XI appointed him as Apostolic Visitor to Bulgaria, also naming him for consecration as titular bishop of Areopolis. He chose as his episcopal motto Obedientia et Pax ("Obedience and Peace"), which became his guiding motto.

In 1935, he was made Apostolic Delegate to Turkey and Greece. Roncalli used this office to help the Jewish underground in saving thousands of refugees in Europe. This led some to consider him to be a Righteous Gentile. In 1944, during World War II, Pope Pius XII named him as Apostolic Nuncio to Paris, France. In the fall of 1948, while still in Paris, he aided René Cassin, the principal drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in drafting it, although the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano later attacked the declaration itself for failing to recognize the sovereignty of God.

In 1953, he was named the Patriarch of Venice, and, accordingly, raised to the rank of cardinal.

Election as pope

Following the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, Roncalli had arrived in the Vatican with a return train ticket to Venice. It was to his own great surprise that he was elected pope. Many had considered Archbishop Montini of Milan to be a possible candidate because he was from one of the most ancient and prominent Episcopal Sees in Italy. But he had not yet been created a cardinal; so, he was not present at the 1958 conclave. Most of the cardinals abided by the established precedent of voting only for a member of the College of Cardinals, in spite of the affirmation of the Canon Law that any celibate Catholic male could be chosen. After the long pontificate of Pope Pius XII, the cardinals chose an elderly man, who they presumed would only be a short-term or "stop-gap" pope. (In Pope John XXIII's first consistory, or Papal Council, Montini was raised to the rank of cardinal, and was eventually elected as John's successor, Pope Paul VI.)

The 1958 conclave which elected Roncalli as pope was later surrounded by suspicion. It has been claimed that a conservative cardinal, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, was the conclave's first choice for pope but was forced, amid threats of pogroms against Roman Catholics in the Communist Eastern Bloc, to decline the papal tiara. Although this claim has never been accepted by the Vatican, it has been supported by members of sedevacantist and conclavist groups.


Pope John XXIII's personal warmth, good humor and kindness captured the world's affections in a way his predecessor, for all his great learning and personal holiness, had failed to do. While Pius XII would look slightly away and up from the camera whenever his photograph was taken, John would look directly at the camera and smile. He undertook the first official acts of a pope away from Vatican territory since 1870 on December 25, 1958, when he visited children suffering from polio at the Bambin Gesù hospital. He then went on to visit Santo Spirito Hospital. The next day he visited Rome's Regina Coeli prison, where he told the prisoners: "You could not come to me, so I came to you." These acts created a sensation, and he wrote in his diary: "… great astonishment in the Roman, Italian and international press. I was hemmed in on all sides: authorities, photographers, prisoners, wardens."[1]

Vatican II

Less than three months after his election as pope, John XXIII gave notice of his intention to convene an Ecumenical Council. While he expressed his intention in many messages over the next three years in formal detail, one of the best known images was of Pope John, when asked why the Council was needed, reportedly opening a window and saying, "I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in." The council, called the Second Vatican Council (colloquially known as Vatican II), took place from 1962-1965 with four major sessions through which sixteen documents (four constitutions, nine decrees, and three declarations) on important issues were produced. After the death of Pope John, his successor Pope Paul VI carried on John's overall vision, which was therefore reflected in these documents. From Vatican II came changes such as a comprehensively revised Christian Liturgy, a Church renewal, a stronger emphasis on ecumenism, and a new approach to the world, and they reshaped the face of Catholicism.

Perhaps the most theologically profound result of Vatican II was a Church renewal. The "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church" (Lumen Gentium),[2] which was approved in the third session in 1964, stressed the spiritual and invisible character of the Church as the sacramental sign of God's kingdom, as compared with the older view of the Church as visible, militant, monarchical, and indefectible. This Church renewal brought forth the collegiality of the bishops with the consent of the pope, the increased role of the laity for holiness, and a generalized call for all humans to belong to the Church.

Even before the approval of the "Decree on Ecumenism" (Unitatis Redintegratio)[3] in the third session, Pope John, when still alive as the prime mover of Vatican II, had already met the Most Rev. Geoffrey Francis Fisher, the Archbishop of Canterbury, for about an hour in the Vatican on December 2, 1960. It was the first time in over 400 years, since the excommunication of Elizabeth I of England, that the Archbishop of Canterbury had met with the Pope. In November 1961, history was made again when John XXIII sent official Catholic representatives to a General Assembly in New Delhi of the World Council of Churches. Needless to say, he communicated also with the Eastern Orthodox Church. His considerateness for the Jewish faith was well expressed in his directive to remove from the traditional Good Friday liturgy its reference to the "perfidious Jews."


Pope John issued eight encyclicals during his papacy, at least two of which can perhaps be ranked with the most important documents in the history of Christianity: Mater et Magistra ("Mother and Teacher")[4] and Pacem in terris ("Peace on Earth").[5] Mater et Magistra, dated May 15, 1961, stated that all classes have the right to benefit from technological advances, and that wealthy nations are obliged to assist underdeveloped ones. Pacem in terris, issued April 11, 1963, was unique in that it was the first papal encyclical ever addressed not just to Catholics but to all people in the world, and it stressed the importance of human rights and world peace, hoping that the United Nations will prove to be an ever more effective instrument for these:

It is therefore Our earnest wish that the United Nations Organization may be able progressively to adapt its structure and methods of operation to the magnitude and nobility of its tasks. May the day be not long delayed when every human being can find in this organization an effective safeguard of his personal rights; those rights, that is, which derive directly from his dignity as a human person, and which are therefore universal, inviolable and inalienable. This is all the more desirable in that men today are taking an ever more active part in the public life of their own nations, and in doing so they are showing an increased interest in the affairs of all peoples. They are becoming more and more conscious of being living members of the universal family of mankind.

It is noteworthy that in this document we are all treated with dignity as "living members of the universal family of mankind."

Full papal ceremonial

Pope John XXIII was the last pope to use full papal ceremonial, much of which was abolished subsequently after Vatican II. His papal coronation ran for the traditional five hours. Pope Paul VI opted for a shorter ceremony while later popes declined to be crowned. However, as with his predecessor Pope Pius XII, he chose to have the coronation itself take place on the balcony of Saint Peter's in view of the crowds assembled in Saint Peter's Square.

Unlike other popes who tended to wear just one papal tiara, John, much to the delight of photographers, wore a number of tiaras from the papal collection. On formal occasions, such as giving the Urbi et Orbi blessing he wore the traditional 1877 Palatine tiara with which he had been crowned. However, on other occasions he wore the lighter and more comfortable 1922 tiara of Pope Pius XI, which he used so often that it became strongly associated with him. When he was given an expensive silver papal tiara by the people of Bergamo, Pope John XXIII asked the makers to halve the number of jewels with which they planned to decorate it and give the financial saving to the poor. This tiara became the lightest in the papal collection at 2 lb (900 grams). It was given to him eventually, in 1959. (None of the tiaras associated with Pope John have been worn by later popes).

Pope John was also the last pope to date to have his Requiem Mass celebrated within St. Peter's Basilica, amid traditional papal pomp. His successor, Pope Paul VI abolished the traditional papal funeral and had his funeral as a simple concelebrated Mass in St. Peter's Square. Indeed, many of the rituals associated with papal ceremonies such as the flabelli (ceremonial fans made of ostrich feathers), the Palatine Guard, and the saluting of the pope on his arrival at Mass in St. Peter's Basilica by the playing of trumpets, were abolished by his successor, Pope Paul VI, in phases during his reign.

Death and beatification

Pope John XXIII was first diagnosed with stomach cancer on September 23, 1962. The diagnosis, which was kept from the public, came after nearly eight years of occasional stomach hemorrhages. These bouts with illness reduced the pontiff's appearances. Looking pale and drawn during events, he gave a hint to his ultimate fate on April 1963, when he said to visitors, "That which happens to all men perhaps will happen soon to the Pope who speaks to you today."

On May 11, 1963, the Italian president Antonio Segni awarded Pope John XXIII the very prestigious Balzan Prize for his engagement for peace. It was the Pope's last public appearance. On May 25, 1963, the Pope suffered another hemorrhage and required blood transfusions, but peritonitis soon set in, resulting in his death on June 3 at the age of 81. He was buried on June 6, ending a reign of four years, seven months and six days.

In 2000, he was declared "Blessed" by Pope John Paul II, the penultimate step on the road to sainthood. His being honored with Beatification, assures with certainty that he lived a life of heroic virtue, and has been proven to be extraordinarily holy. He and Pope Pius IX, were the first popes since Pope Pius X to receive this honor. Following his Beatification, his body was moved from its original burial place in the grottoes below St. Peter's Basilica, to the altar of Saint Jerome where it was displayed for the veneration of the faithful.

At the time, the body was observed to be extremely well-preserved—a condition which the Church ascribes to the lack of oxygen in his sealed triple coffin rather than to any miraculous event (although it was certainly seen as such by many of the faithful). When John was moved, the original vault—which was above the floor—was removed. A new vault was built beneath the ground, and Pope John Paul II was later buried in this vault.


Traditionalist Catholics criticize Vatican II for moving the Church away from the fundamental principles of its historic faith, abandoning the holiness of the Latin Mass and compromising with the world. Yet even conservative mainstream Catholics defend Vatican II, saying only that the more radical changes made or proposed by liberal churchmen over the last 40 years "in the spirit of Vatican II" are wrong.

Some who subscribe to the teachings of Our Lady of Fatima criticize Pope John for allegedly withholding the third secret of prophetic information which had been revealed in 1917 by an apparition of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal, and which had been expected to be publicized in 1960 according to her instruction at that apparition.[6] (It was not until 2000 that it was publicized by Pope John Paul II, and it was allegedly about the murder of the pope and other religious leaders.) This may be related to internet reports in the late 1990s about a supposed "lost diary" where John describes how he himself received from the Virgin Mary prophetic insights into the future, including the return of Jesus in New York in 2000.[7] There is no evidence in his officially published diary Journal of a Soul to suggest that he received apocalyptic visions of the future.


John XXIII was a man of love beyond religion, beyond nation, and beyond culture. He loved everyone, and this in turn caused everyone to love him. He has been known affectionately as "Good Pope John" and "the most loved pope in history" by many people. On December 6, 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson posthumously awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian award, in recognition of the good relationship between Pope John and the United States. Many Protestant organizations honored him as a Christian reformer. Both Anglican and Lutheran Christian denominations commemorated John XXIII as a "renewer of the church." Even the fiercely anti-Catholic Belfast City Council in Northern Ireland flew the flag over city hall at half-staff in his honor after his death.

Perhaps his humble and loving personality can be attributed to his upbringing as the son of simple Italian peasants. It is amazing that although he was originally expected to be just a short-term "stop-gap" pope as an elderly man, he turned out to be perhaps the most important pontificate since the Middle Ages because he made the Catholic Church more relevant and available to the world through Vatican II. His vision of world peace in "the universal family of mankind" under God, as expressed in his important encyclical Pacem in terris, is universally true and relevant, and it is what we are expected to realize today.

From his early teens, he maintained a diary of spiritual reflections that was subsequently published as Journal of a Soul. The collection of writings charts his efforts as a young man to "grow in holiness" and continue after his election to the papacy. It remains widely read.

Preceded by:
Pius XII
Pope John XXIII reigned from:
1958 - 1963
Succeeded by:
Paul VI


  1. Peter Hebblethwaite. Pope John XXIII: Shepherd of the Modern World. (Galilee Trade, 1987), 303.
  2. "Dogmatic Constitution on the Church." Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  3. "Decree on Ecumenism." Retrieved June 16, 2008.
  4. Mater et Magistra. Retrieved June 4, 2008.
  5. Pacem in terris. Retrieved June 4, 2008.
  6. "John XXIII against Fatima," in The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the XXth Century. Retrieved April 18, 2008.
  7. "Pope John XXIII Predictions" Retrieved April 18, 2008.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Hales, E.E.Y. Pope John and His Revolution. New York: Doubleday, 1965. ASIN: B0007ELNUA
  • Hebblethwaite, Peter & Margaret. John XXIII: Pope of the Century. Continuum International, 2000. ISBN 0225668971
  • Hebblethwaite, Peter. Pope John XXIII: Shepherd of the Modern World. Galilee Trade, 1987. ISBN 0385235372
  • Martin, Malachi. The Keys of this Blood. New York, NY: Touchstone, 1991.
  • Pope John XXIII. Journal of a Soul, Translated by Dorothy White. MacGraw-Hill, 1965.
  • Pope John XXIII. Journal of a Soul: The Autobiography of Pope John III. New York: Image, 1999. ISBN 0385497547
  • Pridgeon, Charles, S.J. Pope John XXIII's PACEM IN TERRIS (Peace on Earth) In Question and Answer. Glasgow: John S. Burns, 1965. ASIN: B000KIK7LY
  • Williams, Paul L. The Vatican Exposed. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003. ISBN 1591020654

External links

All links retrieved August 3, 2022.


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