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[[Image:GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile.jpg|300px|thumb|[[Gustave Doré]]'s depiction of Satan from [[John Milton]]'s ''[[Paradise Lost]]'']]
[[Image:GustaveDoreParadiseLostSatanProfile.jpg|300px|thumb|[[Gustave Doré]]'s depiction of Satan from [[John Milton]]'s ''[[Paradise Lost]]'']]
'''Satan''' is a term having origin in the [[Abrahamic faiths]] which is traditionally applied to an [[angel]] who fell out of favour with God. In Judaism and Christianity Satan  is ''the accuser'', a member of the divine council who challenged the religious faith of humans, especially in the books of [[Book of Job|Job]] and [[Book of Zechariah|Zechariah]]. In Islam, this figure also dishonoured God at the beginning of creation, in this case refusing to bow before Allah's creation. In Islam and various streams of Christianity, the term ''Satan'' relate this term to a [[demon]] (as in the Christian conception of the [[Devil]]), a source of temptation, or a personification of evil.
'''Satan''' (meaning "accuser") represents the arch enemy of [[God]] in the [[Abrahamic religions]], who personifies [[evil]] and [[temptation]], and is known as the deceiver that leads humanity astray. The term is often applied to an [[angel]] who fell out of favor with God, seducing humanity into the ways of [[sin]], and who now rules over the fallen world.  
== Etymology and Alternative Titles ==
The concept of an [[Anthropomorphism|anthropomorpized]] demonic figure (or [[archetype]]) is a salient theme in both ancient and modern religions, which ascribe to an ongoing cosmic struggle between the forces of good and evil (stark examples are [[Manichaeism]] and [[Zurvanism]]). In the religions of [[Judaism]], [[Christianity]], and [[Islam]], Satan represents the personalized power of evil, who, it is said, will ultimately be defeated by the love of God.
In popular culture, the term ''Satan'' has many synonyms including the [[Devil]], Lucifer, and the Prince of Darkness, among others. 
The [[nominative]] ''satan'' in Hebrew {{unicode|שָׂטָן}}, referring to an "adversary" or "accuser", and the [[Arabic]] ''إبليس'' (shaitan), derive from a Northwest Semitic root ''{{unicode|śṭn}}'', meaning "to be hostile", or "to accuse".<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/S301.html| title=American Heritage® Dictionary: Semitic roots: sn| accessdate=2006-05-31}}</ref>. In the New Testament, Satan is a name that refers to a decidedly more malevolent entity who appears in several passages and possesses demonic god-like qualities. It is found in passages alongside ''Diabolos'' a Greek term for an "accuser" or "obstructor." ''diabolos'' (Διάβολος) to refer to the same person or thing as Satan.<ref name="Easton"/>. ''Diabolos'' carries a much more negative connotation than the Hebrew ''satan'', which possesses no demonic qualities in the [[Torah]] writings and is believed to be by many a great and glorious Angel who was created on the sixth day of creation.
== Etymology ==
The [[nominative]] ''satan'' in Hebrew {{unicode|שָׂטָן}}, referring to an "adversary" or "accuser," as well as the [[Arabic]] ''إبليس'' (shaitan), derive from a Northwest Semitic root ''{{unicode|śṭn}}'', meaning "to be hostile," or "to accuse."<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/S301.html| title=American Heritage® Dictionary: Semitic roots: sn| accessdate=May 31, 2006}}</ref> In the [[New Testament]], Satan is a name that refers to a decidedly malevolent entity who possesses demonic god-like qualities.  
The name [[Lucifer]] is sometimes used in Christian theology to refer to Satan, based on a reference to the "Day Star" in Isaiah 14:12-14 which "laid the nations low." However, other Christian thinkers suggest that in context it referred to none other than the King of Babylon himself, having figuratively fallen from heaven and ate grass like an ox. {{cn}} Satan is also referred to on occassion as [[Beelzebub]], meaning "Lord of Flies". This is moniker is actually the name of a Philistine god, but is also used in the New Testament as a synonym for Satan.  A corrupted version, "Belzeboub," is used in [[Dante]]'s [[The Divine Comedy|Divine Comedy]].  
A number of other figures in Judeo-Christian mythology have been related to Satan, and therefore have become monikers for Satan. "The dragon" and "the old serpent" in the [[Book of Revelation]] 12:9 and 20:2 have been identified with the evil entity , as have "the prince of this world" in verse 12:31 and 14:30 in the [[Book of John]], "the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" in the [[Book of Ephesians]] 2:2, and "the god of this world" in [[2 Corinthians]] 4:4.<ref name="Easton"/>. Satan and the Angel of death and destruction, "[[Abaddon]]," are sometimes claimed to be identical. This is observed in [http://www.ccel.org/ccel/bunyan/pilgrim.html John Bunyan's, Pilgrim's Progress]. Satan is also equated with "[[Ahriman]]," the [[Persian]] "Prince of Evil". The angel "[[Leviathan]]" is described as "that crooked serpent," which is also used to describe Satan in Revelation 12:9.
== Alternative Titles ==
A number of titles in [[Judaism]] and [[Christianity]] are equated with Satan. For example, Satan is called ''Diabolos'' (Greek for "accuser" or "obstructor"), which is the source of the English word "Devil."<ref name="Easton">Easton's Bible Dictionary, [http://eastonsbibledictionary.com/satan.htm Satan]. Retrieved February 14, 2011.</ref> Satan is also known as [[Lucifer]], based on a reference to the "Day Star" in Isaiah 14:12-14 which "laid the nations low."<ref> However, this descriptor may have referred to none other than the King of Babylon himself, who had figuratively fallen from heaven.</ref> Additionally, he is occasionally called [[Beelzebub]], meaning "Lord of Flies."<ref> This moniker was actually the name of a [[Philistine]] god, but is also used in the New Testament as a synonym for Satan.</ref> Moreover, the titles, "the dragon" and "the old serpent" ([[Book of Revelation]] 12:9 and 20:2) have been identified with Satan, as have the terms "the prince of this world" (John 12:31 and 14:30), "the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2), and "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).<ref name="Easton"/> Satan and the Angel of death and destruction, "[[Abaddon]]," are sometimes claimed to be identical. Satan is also equated with "[[Ahriman]]," the [[Persian]] "Prince of Evil." The angel "[[Leviathan]]" is described as "that crooked serpent," which is also used to describe Satan in Revelation 12:9.
=== In the Hebrew Bible ===
=== In the Hebrew Bible ===
Satan is primarily understood as an "accuser" or "adversary" in the [[Hebrew Bible]], and is not necessarily the personification of evil that he would become in later [[Abrahamic religions]]. Within the Hebrew Bible, the term ''satan'' itself is applied both to [[supernatural]] entities and human beings. In actuality, the figure Satan is mentioned quite infrequently. Where Satan does appear in the Hebrew Bible it is as a member of God's divine council who watches over human activity, but with the evil purpose of searching out human beings' sins and then registering accusations against them. In this way, he serves as something of a [[prosecutor|prosecuting]] [[attorney]] for God, presenting his case against humankind in the heavenly court. This is most evident in the [[Book of Job]], wherein Satan questions the veracity of humankind's loyalty to God, putting forth the argument that any given human is only loyal because God gives her or him prosperity. God agrees to put Satan's theory to the test, and various misfortunes are visited upon Job as a test of his faith. It is Satan who actually delivers these ills one-by-one. Despite this activity, the prologue of the Book of Job makes clear that Satan has no power of independent volition of his own, and requires the permission of God to carry out his actions.
Satan is to be better understood as an "accuser" or "[[adversary]]" in the Hebrew bible, and is not necessarily the personification of evil he would come to be in later Abrahamic religions. The term ''satan'' itself is applied both to supernatural entities and human beings within the Hebrew Bible, and the figure Satan himself is actually mentioned quite infrequently. The Hebrew "Satan" is used to refer to those who act as adversaries, either as 1) an enemy in times of both war and peace<ref>[[1 Kings]] 5:4; 11:14, 23, 25</ref>, 2) as an [[antagonist]] who puts obstacles in the way, as in [[Book of Numbers|Numbers]] 22:22, where the angel of God is described as opposing [[Balaam]] as an adversary, and 3) as an accuser before the judgment-seat<ref>[[Psalm]] 109:6</ref>
The character Satan himself is more of a skeptical trickster than an embodiment of evil. Where Satan does appear in the Hebrew Bible it is as a member of God's divine council. He is that member of the council who watches over human activity, but with the evil purpose of searching out human beings' sins and then registering accusations against them. In this way, he serves as something of a prosecuting attorney for God, presenting his case against humankind in the heavenly court of God. This is most evident in the [[Book of Job]], wherein he questions the veracity of humankind's loyalty to God, putting forth the argument that any given human is only loyal because God gives her or him prosperity. God agrees to put Satan's theory to the test, and various misfortunes are visited upon Job as a test of his faith. It is Satan who actually delivers these ills one-by-one. Despite this activity, the prologue of the Book of Job makes clear that Satan has no power of independent action of his own, and requires the permission of God to carry out his actions.  
In other verses, Satan appears to take his own initiative. In 1 Chronicles 21:1, Satan incites [[David]] to commit the sin of taking a [[census]] of Israel. In this passage, it appears that Satan is actually the entity that enables David to destroy Israel, who acts out accord with the wishes of God. Five hundred years earlier, this same story portrayed ''[[Yahweh]]'' as the one who incited David to take the census (2 Samuel 24:1). The change in the narrative may be due to the fact that the later story was written after the Hebrews had been in [[Babylonian captivity|exile in Babylon]], where they were no doubt exposed to [[Zoroastrianism|Zoroastrian]] influence. Zoroastrianism had developed the concept of a volitional evil deity Angra Mainyu who existed in counterpoint to ''[[Spenta Mainyu]]'', the personification of good. The attribution of an independent will to Satan may be a Zoroastrian influence, as Angra Mainyu's predilection to evil exists contradicts the will of Spenta Mainyu and ultimately, the one supreme and exclusively benevolent ''[[Ahura Mazda]]''. Although Satan's role as the adversary is established in the [[Hebrew Bible]], he had not yet taken on the demonic character of the personification of evil, which he would inherit in later Jewish literature, as well as in Christianity and Islam.
In other verses, Satan appears to take his own initiative. In [[1 Chronicles]] 21:1, Satan incites [[David]] to commit the sin of taking a census of Israel. In this passage, it appears that Satan is actually the entity which enables [[David]] to destroy Israel, who acts out accord with the wishes of God. Five hundred years earlier, this same story portrayed [[Yahweh]] as the one who incited David to take the census ([[2 Samuel]] 24:1). The change in the narrative may be due to the fact that the later story was written after the Hebrews had been in [[Babylonian captivity|exile in Babylon]], where they had no doubt had been exposed to [[Zoroastrianism]]. Zoroastrianism, of course, had developed the concept of a volitional evil deity Angra Mainyu who existed in counterpoint to Spenta Mainyu, the personification of good. The attribution of an independent will to Satan is likely a Zoroastrian influence, as Angra Mainyu's predilection to evil runs in counterpoint to the will of Spenta Mainyu and ultimately, the one supreme and exclusively benevolent [[Ahura Mazda]]. Although Satan's role as the adversary is established in the Hebrew bible, he had not yet taken on the demonic character of the personification of evil which he would inherit in later Jewish literature, as well as in Christianity and Islam.
Thus the Hebrew word "Satan" is used in a threefold way to refer to those who act as adversaries, either as 1) an enemy in times of both war and peace,<ref>1 Kings 5:4; 11:14, 23, 25</ref> 2) as an antagonist who puts obstacles in an individual's way, as in [[Book of Numbers|Numbers]] 22:22, where the angel of God is described as opposing [[Balaam]] as an adversary, and 3) as an accuser before the judgment-seat.<ref>[[Psalm]] 109:6</ref>
=== Non-Canonical Jewish Literature ===
=== Non-Canonical Jewish Literature ===
Early rabbinic statements in the [[Mishna]] and [[Talmud]] show that Satan played a minor role in early Jewish [[theology]]. In the course of time, however, Judaism absorbed many of the now-prevalent concepts of Satan, most likely from the nearby Persians. Consequently, as a rule, Jewish writings tend to contain more frequent mentions of Satan and his hosts. <ref>[http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=270&letter=S&search=satan Satan in relation to different religions.] JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved February 14, 2011.</ref> In [[apocrypha]]l works such as the ''Jubilees'', the ''Testament of Reuben'', and ''The Book of the Secrets of Enoch'', Satan is considered to be the leader of the fallen [[angel]]s. As Judaism evolved, history began to be conceived of in two ages: the present age, which is marked by Satan's rule, and a more glorious future age which will usher in the rule of divinity. This will only occur after an [[Apocalypse|apocalyptic]] conflict where Satan and the effects of [[sin]], for which he is responsible, will be overcome. This conception of Satan as the apocalyptic adversary was no doubt influenced by [[Zoroastrianism|Zoroastrian]] [[eschatology]], as well as by that religion's ethical dualism. It should be noted that Judaism, as with Christianity, stops short of identifying Satan as a wholly evil being, so as not to compromise its fundamental belief in [[monotheism]].
Just as in the Hebrew Bible, early rabbinic statements in the [[Mishnah]] and [[Talmud]] show that Satan played little or no role in [[Jewish theology]]. In the course of time, however, Judaism had absorbed many of the now-prevalent concepts of Satan, most likely from the nearby Persians. As a rule, the later a rabbinic or other non-canonical work is dated, the more frequent is the mention therein of Satan and his hosts. <ref>[http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=270&letter=S&search=satan Satan in relation to different religions.]</ref> In apocryphal apocalyptic works such as the ''Jubilees'', the ''Testament of Reuben'', and ''The Book of the Secrets of Enoch'', Satan is considered to be the leader of the fallen angels. As Judaism progressed, history began to be conceived of in two ages: the present age, which is marked by Satan's rule, and a more glorious future age which will usher in the rule of divinity. This will only occur after an apocalyptic conflict where Satan and the effects of sin for which he is responsible will be overcome. This conception of Satan as the apocalyptic adversary was no doubt influenced by Zoroastrian eschatology, as well as that religion's ethical dualism. It should be noted that Judaism, as with Christianity, stops short of identifying Satan as a wholly evil being, so as not to compromise its fundamental belief in monotheism.
In some Jewish works, rabbis put forth the idea that Satan is the incarnation of all evil, devoting the entirety of his works to the destruction of humankind. The Babylonian Talmud, for instance, states that the Evil Inclination ''(Yetzer ha-Ra)'', the Angel of Death and Satan are all identical. Satan is said to seize upon so little as a single word which may be prejudicial to man, <ref>Talmud Berachot 19a</ref> and in times of danger, he consistently brings a barrage of accusations.<ref>Jerusalem Talmud, Shabbat 5b</ref>. By the end of the apocalyptic period (approximately 100 C.E.), Jewish demonology and folklore had variously connected Satan with darkness, the underworld, sexual impropriety, and animals such as the [[goat]], the [[frog]] or [[toad]], and the [[serpent]]. Some literature, both rabbinical and apocalyptic, asserted that Satan first wielded his power in the [[Garden of Eden]] and this serpent wryly coerced Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.  
In some works rabbis hold that Satan is the incarnation of all evil, devoting the entirety of his works to the destruction of humankind. The Babylonian Talmud, for instance, states that the [[Evil Inclination]] (''Yetzer ha-Ra''), the Angel of Death and Satan are all identical. Satan is said to seizes upon so little a single word which may be prejudicial to man, <ref>Talmud Berachot 19a</ref>, and in times of danger, he consistently brings a barrage of accusations <ref>Jerusalem Talmud, Shabbat 5b</ref>. By the end of the apocalytpic period, Jewish demonology and folklore had variously connected Satan with darkness, the underworld, sexual impropriety, and animals such as the goat, the frog or toad, the dragon, and the serpent. Some literature, both rabbinical and apocalyptic, asserted that Satan first wielded his power in the Garden of Eden as this serpent, which wryly coerced Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.  
[[Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer]] characterized Satan as an active agent in the [[Fall of Man]],<ref>Midrash [[Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer]] 13. </ref> and put forward that he was also the father of [[Cain]]<ref>''ibid'', 21.</ref> Other rabbis have continued this line of thought suggesting that Satan provided the impetus for other negative events in Jewish history. These include the offering of Isaac for sacrifice,<ref>Midrash Tanchuma, Wayera, 22.</ref> the release of the animal destined by Esau for his father,<ref>''ibid'', Toledot, 11.</ref> the death of Moses,<ref>Deuteronomy Rabbah 13:9.</ref> David's improprietous sexual relationship with Bathsheba,<ref>Sanhedrin 95a.</ref> and the death of the Persian Queen Vashti, wife of Ahasuerus (probably [[Xerxes the First]]). <ref>Megilla 11a.</ref> In addition, the decree to destroy all the Jews obtained by Haman, the scheming grand vizier of Ahasuerus, was said to have been written on parchment brought by Satan.<ref>Esther Rabba 3:9.</ref> The normative Jewish concept, however, was and remains that Satan cannot be viewed as an independent agent, and therefore could not have perpetrated the aforementioned events. In the Babylonian Talmud, Rabbi Levi asserts that "everything Satan does is for the sake of heaven." <ref name="Levi">Baba Bathra 16a.</ref> Satan's powers are by no means uncontestable; when the [[Shofar]] (Horn) is sounded by Jews on New-Year's Day, Satan is said to be "confounded".<ref>Rosh Hashana 16b, [[Targum]] Yerushalmi to Numbers 10:10.</ref> Further, on the [[Yom Kippur|Day of Atonement]] Satan's power is said to vanish altogether, since the numerical value of the letters of his name (in the context of [[gematria]] and [[Hebrew numerals]]) is only 359, thus allegedly exempting this one day from his influence.<ref>Yoma 20a.</ref>
[[Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer]] put forward that Satan was an active agent in the fall of man,<ref>Midrash [[Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer]] 13, </ref> and was the father of [[Cain]],<ref>''ibid'', 21</ref>. Other rabbis have continued this line of though suggesting that Satan provided the impetus for other negative events in Jewish history. These include the offering of Isaac for sacrifice,<ref>Midrash Tanchuma, Wayera, 22 [ed. Stettin, p. 39a]</ref>, the release of the animal destined by Esau for his father,<ref>''ibid'', Toledot, 11</ref>, the death of Moses,<ref>Deuteronomy Rabbah 13:9</ref>, David's improprietous sexual relationship with Bathsheba,<ref>Sanhedrin 95a</ref>, and the death of the Persian Queen Vashti, wife of [[Xerxes the First]] <ref>Megilla 11a</ref>. In addition, the decree to destroy all the Jews obtained by Haman, the scheming grand vizier of Xerxes, was said to have been written on parchment brought by Satan.<ref>Esther Rabba 3:9</ref>. The normative Jewish concept, however, was and remains that Satan cannot be viewed as an independent agent, and therefore could not have perpetrated the aforementioned events. In the Babylonian Talmud, Rabbi Levi asserts that "everything Satan does is for the sake of heaven." <ref name="Levi">Baba Bathra 16a</ref> Satan's powers are by no means uncontestable; when the shofar is sounded by Jews on New-Year's Day he is said to be "confounded".<ref>Rosh Hashana 16b, [[Targum]] Yerushalmi to Numbers 10:10</ref>. Further, on the [[Yom Kippur|Day of Atonement]] his power vanishes, since the numerical value of the letters of his name in the context of [[gematria]] and [[Hebrew numerals]]) is only 359, thus exempting one day from his influence.<ref>Yoma 20a</ref>
In [[Christianity]], the concept of Satan is the amalgamation of both Jewish and Greek descriptions of [[evil]]. In the Christian understanding of the Hebrew scriptures ([[Old Testament]]), Satan is understood as an [[angel]] who rebelled against [[God]]. Before his insurrection, Satan was the [[archangel|highest of all angels]], and the "brightest in the sky," referring to his connection (made in Isaiah 14:12-14) with what was called the "Morning Star" in Roman astrology, the planet [[Venus]]. However, he sought to rule heaven himself, and his pride kept him from bowing to God as all other angels did. God promptly cast him out of heaven along with one third of the angels, who became demons under his charge. The majority of Christians also believe it was Satan who spoke through the [[Serpent]] and seduced Eve into disobeying God. This connection was first made in the Christian tradition by Paul in Romans 16:20, though it was largely dispelled by early church fathers who maintained the traditional Hebrew understanding that Satan fell after Adam. However, in the 3rd Century B.C.E. [[Origen]] argued that Satan fell ''before'' Adam had even been created, and therefore could have appeared in the Garden.
Satan is commonly referred to in the New Testament text by the Greek term ''Diabolos'', from which the word ''devil'' derives. This term means by "accuser" and "obstructor" for the Devil is described as hating humankind, and intent on impeding it's spiritual progression by providing temptation to sin. By the 2nd century C.E., the concept of Satan had inherited the characteristics of many ancient destructive nature spirits and ghosts, and became the unequivocal personification of evil. Satan's power was said to extend over the entire physical world as well as a legion of evil demons. However, he was also said to lack the omniscience and omnipotence of the one true God, and therefore relied upon demons to possess human beings and then torment them. Various New Testament stories provide accounts of exorcisms Jesus performed upon possessed individuals, such as Mark 16:9. The New Testament makes the suggestion that Satan does indeed possess his own will, as it has been argued that Satan entered Judas so that the Son of Man could be delivered over to Roman officials for his execution (as in Luke 22:3). However, all throughout the New Testament, the inevitable fall of Satan's rule is prescribed again and again, as in 2 Peter 2:4, and culminates in Revelation 20:2, 7-10 where Satan is defeated by Christ, thrown forever into the "lake of fire."
{{readout||right|250px|[[Abrahamic religions]] do not consider Satan to be a wholly [[evil]] being, but rather one who became the adversary of his creator, [[God]]}}
== Islam ==
In [[Islam]], the word ''Shaitan'' (شيطان) (deriving from the root {{unicode|šṭn شطن}} meaning "astray" or "distant") is the equivalent of Satan. The proper name ''al-Shaitan'' "the tempter" is used to refer to Satan specifically when he is the tempter. [[Iblis]] is the personal name of the Shaitan who refused to prostrate before before [[Adam and Eve|Adam]] in the [[Qur'an]]ic account of [[Genesis]]. The name Iblis is likely a contraction taken from the Greek "Diabolos."
===Mainstream Views===
The Qur'an explains that before the creation of Man, [[Allah]] (God) created the [[Angel]]s out of light. These angels possessed no free will of their own. Allah also created the [[Jinn]] (genies), endowing them with semi-free will. Later Allah created [[Adam]], and ordered that all the angels bow to him. All the angels did, except for a Jinn called Iblis, who was elevated to be one of the leaders of the Angels. As with Lucifer in the Christian tradition, Iblis was proud and considered himself to be superior to Adam who was made of modified clay, while he himself was made of smokeless fire. For this transgression, God damned Iblis to [[Hell]] for eternity, but gave him respite till the [[Doomsday]] at his request. At this point Iblis swore that he would in the meantime dedicate his efforts to lead all men astray. Allah replied that there would always be followers of God, and that the paradise of heaven was available for them, and those who followed Iblis would go to Hell.<ref>[http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/038.qmt.html#038.082 Iblis swears an oath] Surah 38.082. Retrieved February 14, 2011.</ref> Some adherents of [[Sufism]], the Islamic mystical tradition, actually interpret Iblis' action against Allah in a positive light, considering his refusal to prostrate before anything but God as the ultimate display of monotheistic faith.  
In the mainstream Christian conception, Satan (or [[Devil|The Devil]], see also) is the amalgamation of Jewish and Greek conceptions. In mainstream Christianity's understanding of the holy Hebrew scriptures, the one named Satan is shown to be an [[angel]] who rebelled against [[God]]. Before his insurrection, Satan was the [[archangel|highest of all angels]], and the "[[Lucifer|brightest in the sky]]", referring to his connection (made in Isiah 14:12-14) with what was called "Morning Star" in Roman astrology, the planet [[Venus]]. However, Christians considered his pride to be the sole reason why he would not bow to God as all other angels did. Instead, he sought to rule heaven himself.  He was promptly cast out by god along with one third of the angels, who became demons under his charge. The majority of Christians also believe it was Satan (or Lucifer) who spoke through the serpent and seduced Eve into disobeying God's command, although the book of Genesis itself makes no such connection. This connection was first made in the Christian tradition by Paul in Romans 16:20, though it was largely dispelled by those early church fathers who insisted that Satan fell after Adam. However, in the 3rd Century CE Origen swung mainstream belief toward the idea that the serpent was indeed Satan, arguing that Satan fell ''before'' Adam had even been created, and therefore he could have appeared in the Garden.
As mentioned above, Satan is commonly referred to in the New Testament text along with the Greek term ''Diabolos'', from which the word ''devil'' derives. This term refers not only to an "accuser", continuing the connotation of the Hebrew word, but also an "obstructor." Accordingly, Satan is described throughout the New Testament as hating all humankind, intent upon impeding it's spiritual progression by providing temptation to sin. By this time (1st-2nd century CE) Satan had inherited the characteristics of many ancient destructive nature spirits and ghosts, thus, he is presented in the New Testament as the unequivocal personification of evil. Satan rules over the physical world as well as a host of evil demons. Since Satan lacks the omniscience and omnipotence of the one true God, he relies upon these demons in order to possess human beings and torment them. Various New Testament stories provide accounts of excorcisms Jesus performed upon possessed individuals, such as Mark 16:9. The New Testament makes the suggestion that Satan does indeed possess his own will, as it has been argued that Satan entered Judas so that the Son of Man could be delivered over to the officials for his execution (as in Luke 22:3). However, all throughout the New Testament, the inevitable fall of Satan's rule is prescribed again and again, as in 2 Peter 2:4, which culminating in Revelation 20:2, 7-10 where Satan is defeated by Christ, thrown forever into the "lake of fire".
After their creation, [[Adam and Eve]] ([[Hawwa]]' حواء,) dwelt in [[Paradise]] (الجنة, Al-Jannah), where Allah forbade them to go near the cursed tree. As in the Judeo-Christian tradition, ''al-Shaitan'' tricked Adam and Eve into eating from the tree, at which point Allah expelled all of them from Paradise and placed them upon the [[Earth]]. Here Iblis continued his role as the tempter of mortals, trying to influence as many [[descendant]]s of Adam and Eve to [[sin]], thereby collecting them as companions in [[Hell]]. Islamic tradition states that Iblis tempts human beings by being present in the actual flesh and blood of all of Adam's children, that is, within the ''nafs'', or the lower principles of the flesh. Unlike the Christian and Jewish notions of Satan where he dwells in the underworld realm and related to the jurisdiction of evildoings, the Islamic tradition conceives of Satan as a part of all humans, no matter who they are. This may account for the prevalent associations between Satan and sexuality in the Western world. In order to tempt mortals, Iblis can assume any shape, including no shape at all. In one such instance, he took the form of a ''hatif'', one who can be heard but not seen, in order to beguile Ali so he would not wash the body of the Prophet [[Mohammed]].
[[Image:Codex Gigas devil.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The Devil as seen in [[Codex Gigas]].]]
==Bahá'í interpretation==
The [[Bahá'í Faith]] has attempted to synthesize various texts and precepts of many religions, as well as the figures within them. The Bahá'í teachings reveal that the figure of Satan, prevalent in many religions, is actually a metaphor for the "insistent self," or the self-serving inclination present within each human being. This insistent self is often referred to as "the Evil One." [[Bahá'u'lláh]], the founding prophet of the Bahá'í Faith, once wrote "[w]atch over yourselves, for the Evil One is lying in wait, ready to entrap you. Gird yourselves against his wicked devices, and, led by the light of the name of the All-Seeing God, make your escape from the darkness that surroundeth you." <ref>"Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas." [http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/TB/tb-8.html LAWḤ-I-DUNYÁ (Tablet of the World)] Retrieved February 18, 2007. </ref> Despite the fact that Satan is addressed in this way, he is not seen as being an independent evil power, but instead as the lower nature present within every human being. Evil, then, is not an entity of itself within the Bahá'í Faith; rather it is the absence of goodness. Consequently, there can be no actual evil entities, Satan included.
The devil has most often been portrayed in Christianity as a horned creature, red in colour, often having the hindquarters or body of hooved animals, particularly the goat. These depictions are notable in their resemblance to the Ammonite gods [[Baal]] and [[Moloch]], the Greek deity [[Pan]], as well as prevalent conceptions of the major male god in Pagan and Neopagan traditions, such as the [[Horned God]]. Although not mentioned in the Bible, the Devil has been accredited with the role of magical powers to sorcerers and witches. This idea has prevailed since the Middle Ages, when complex demonologies were developed within Christian circles. Satan is sometimes described as residing in [[Hell]], the fiery locale where the wicked are punished after death, however, passages in the New Testament such as 1 Peter 5:8 suggest that actually roams the earth, seeking to sully the lives of human beings by keeping them distant from God.
==Gnostic and Other Perspectives==
[[Gnosticism|Gnostic]] sects sometimes interpreted Satan as a positive figure since he had enabled knowledge to be brought forth, and thusly he was venerated in worship for this deed (see [[Gospel of Judas]]). Some Gnostics also claimed that the creator God worshiped by Jews and mainstream Christians had to be Satan, as the highest God could not bring forth a world of such imperfect nature.  
===Other Perspectives===
Adherents of [[Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints|Mormonism]] believe [[Jesus Christ]] and the Devil are actually siblings; Christ is a son of God in the flesh while Satan is His bodiless spirit son. [[Jehovah's Witnesses]] accept the mainstream Christian belief that Satan was responsible for the temptation in the Garden, though they believe Satan was at first a real person who was transformed into "Satan the Devil" upon trying to win [[Adam and Eve]]'s favor for himself.
Other variations of Christianity have various other views on the status of Satan. Certain [[Gnosticism|Gnostic]] sects, for example, actually interpreted Satan as a positive figure since he had enabled knowledge to be brought forth, and thusly he was venerated in worship for this deed. Some Gnostics also claimed that the creator God worshipped by Jews and mainstream Christians had to be Satan, as the highest God could not bring forth a world of such imperfect nature. Adherents of [[Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints|Mormonism]] believe Jesus Christ and the Devil are actually siblings; Christ is a son of God in the flesh while Satan is a bodiless spirit son of God. [[Jehovah's Witnesses]] accept the mainstream Christian belief that Satan was responsible for the tempation in the Garden, though they believe Satan was at first a real person who was transformed into "Satan the Devil" upon trying to win Adam and Eve's favour for himself.
[[Image:Codex Gigas devil.jpg|thumb|right|200px|The Devil as seen in [[Codex Gigas]].]]
== Satan in Islam ==
Satan has most often been portrayed in Christianity as a horned creature, red in color, often having the hindquarters or body of hoofed animals, particularly the [[goat]]. These depictions are notable in their resemblance to the Canaanite gods [[Baal]] and [[Moloch]], the Greek deity [[Pan (mythology)|Pan]], as well as prevalent conceptions of the major male god in Pagan and Neopagan traditions, such as the "Horned God."
''Shaitan'' (شيطان) is the equivalent of Satan in [[Islam]]. ''Shaitan'' (from the root {{unicode|šṭn شطن}}) is an [[adjective]] (meaning "astray" or "distant") that can be applied to both human being ("al-ins", الإنس) and [[Genie]] alike.  The proper name al-Shaitan "the tempter" is used to refer to satan when he is the tempter. [[Iblis]] (pronounced /{{IPA|'ib.liːs}}/) is the personal name of the Shaitan who refused to prostrate before before [[Adam and Eve|Adam]] in the [[Qur'an]]ic account of [[Genesis]]. The name Iblis is likely a contraction taken from the Greek "Diabolos".  
According to some Biblical interpretations, Satan was formerly the Angel Lucifer who fell from his exalted status for refusing to honor God. As a result, Satan is often depicted in Christian iconography as having wings due to his former status as an [[Angel|angel]]. Before his insurrection, Satan was the [[archangel|highest of all angels]], and the "[[Lucifer|brightest in the sky]]," referring to his connection (made in Isaiah 14:12-14) with what was called the "Morning Star" in Roman astrology, the planet [[Venus]]. However, he sought to rule heaven himself, and his pride kept him from bowing to God as all other angels did.  
The Qur'an explains that before the creation of Man, [[God]] created the Angels out of light. These angles possessed no free will of their own. Also, god created the [[Jinn]], a being made of smokeless fire, with semi-free will. Later God created Adam, and ordered that all the angels bow to him. All the angels did, except for a Jinn called Iblis, who was elevated to be one of the leaders of the Angels. As with Lucifer in the Christian tradition, Iblis was proud and considered himself superior to Adam who was made of modified clay, while he himself was made of smokeless fire. For this God damned him to Hell for eternity, but gave him respite till the [[Doomsday]] at his request. Then and there Iblis swore that he would use his time to lead all men astray to burn in hell. God replied that there would always be followers of God, and that the paradise of heaven was available for them, and those who followed Iblis would go to Hell.<ref>[http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/038.qmt.html#038.082 Iblis swears an oath]</ref>. Some adherents of [[Sufism]], the Islamic mystical tradition, actually interpret Iblis' actions in a positive light, considering his refusal to prostrate before anything but God as the ultimate display of monotheistic faith.  
After this fall from heaven, Satan is said to have tempted Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden as the [[Serpent]]and has since often been represented as a deceptive serpent hiding in the shadows.
After their creation, Adam and [[Hawwa]]' (حواء, [[Adam and Eve|Eve]]) dwelt in [[Paradise]] (الجنة, AlJannah), where God forbade them to go near the cursed tree. As in the Judeo-Christian tradition, al-Shaitan tricked Adam and Hawwa' into eating from the tree, at which point God expelled all of them from Paradise and placed them upon the [[Earth]]. Here Iblis continued on in his role as the temptor of mortals, who tries to influence as many [[descendant]]s of Adam and Hawwa' as he possibly can into [[sin]], thereby collecting them as companions in [[Hell]]. Islamic tradition states that Iblis tempts human beings by being present in the actual flesh and blood of all of Adam's children, that is, within the ''nafs'', or the lower principles of the flesh. Unlike the Christian and Jewish notions were Satan is exclusively in the underworld realm and related to the jurisdiction of evildoings, the Islamic tradition conceives of Satan as a part of all humans, no matter who they are. This may account for the prevalent associations between Satan and sexuality in the Western world. In order to tempt mortals, 
Satan is often described as residing in [[Hell]], the fiery locale where the wicked are punished after death, however, passages in the New Testament such as 1 Peter 5:8 suggest that he actually roams the earth, seeking to sully the lives of living humans by keeping them distant from God.
Satan can assume any shape, including no shape at all. In one such instance, Satan took the form of a ''hatif'', one who can be heard but not seen, in order to beguile 'Ali so he would not wash the body of the Prophet [[Mohammed]].
==Bahá'í interpretation of Satan==
The Devil has been accredited with the role of bestowing magical powers upon sorcerers and witches. This idea has prevailed since the [[Middle Ages]], when complex demonologies were developed within Christian circles.
The [[Bahá'í Faith]] has attempted to synthesize various texts and precepts of many religions, as well as the figures within them. Bahai teaches that the figure of Satan prevalent in many religions is actually a metaphor for the "insistent self", that is, the self-serving inclination present within each human being. The insistent self is often referred to in the Bahá'í Writings as "the Evil One". [[Bahá'u'lláh]], the founding prophet of the Bahá'í Faith, once wrote "[w]atch over yourselves, for the Evil One is lying in wait, ready to entrap you. Gird yourselves against his wicked devices, and, led by the light of the name of the All-Seeing God, make your escape from the darkness that surroundeth you." <ref>"Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas." <http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/TB/tb-8.html> Retrieved February 18 2007. </ref> Despite the fact that Satan is addressed in this way, he is not seen as being an independent evil power, but instead as the lower nature present within every human being. Evil, then, is not an entity of itself within the Bahá'í Faith; rather it is the absence of goodness. Consequently, there can be no actual evil entities, Satan included.
People claiming to worship Satan follow a wide variety of beliefs. These range from the literal worship of a malevolent spiritual being (also known as Theistic Satanism); to a kind of subversive ritual performance stressing the mockery of Christian symbols (most notably the [[Black Mass]]); to the alleged rediscovery of an ancient but misunderstood religion Setianism (which conflates Satan with the Egyptian god [[Set (mythology)|Set]]); to an excuse for [[hedonism|hedonistic]] recreation, and the celebration of selfishness and pleasure.
Perhaps the most prominent spokesman for [[Satanism]] in recent years has been [[Anton Szandor LaVey]], who founded the [[Church of Satan]] in 1966. LaVey wrote ''The Satanic Bible'' (1969). He rejected the Black Mass, criminal behavior, cruelty to animals, and any literal belief in (or worship of) Satan. Instead he supported a view that identified human beings as animals and rejected many social structures that inhibit our instincts.
People claiming to be Satanists&mdash;or outsiders claiming to describe Satanism&mdash;ascribe a wide variety of beliefs to this movement. These range from the literal worship of a malevolent spiritual being (also known as [[Theistic Satanism]]); to a kind of subversive ritual performance stressing the mockery of Christian symbols (most notably the [[Black Mass]]); to the alleged rediscovery of an ancient but misunderstood religion [[Setianism]], which conflates Satan with the Egyptian god [[Set (mythology)|Set]]); to an excuse for hedonistic recreation, and the celebration of selfishness and pleasure.  
Other individuals linked to Satan have been Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, John D. Allee, founder of First Church of Satan, and Karla LaVey, daughter of Anton Szandor LaVey who carried on the legacy of her father by founding the First Satanic Church. Equally renowned within Satanic circles, though not technically a Satanist, would be ritual [[Magic (Sorcery)|magician]] [[Aleister Crowley]], who referred to himself as "The Great Beast 666." Crowley's maxim, "''Do as thou wilt'' shall be the whole of the law!" captures a common Satanic attitude, and is thought to be exemplified within the myth of Satan's rebellion.
Perhaps the most prominent spokesman for Satanism in recent years has been [[Anton Szandor LaVey]], who founded the [[Church of Satan]], the first and only above-ground Satanic organization, in 1966. LaVey wrote ''The [[Satanic Bible]]'' (1969) and other works which remain highly influential, though controversial, among avowed Satanists. LaVey rejects the Black Mass, criminal behaviour, cruelty to animals, or a literal belief in (or worship of) Satan. Instead he supports a view of human beings as animals and rejects many social structures that inhibit our instincts. Other individuals linked to Satan have been [[Michael Aquino]], founder of the [[Temple of Set]], [[John D. Allee]], founder of [[First Church of Satan]], and [[Karla LaVey]], daughter of Anton Szandor LaVey who carried on the legacy of her father by founding the [[First Satanic Church]]. Equally celebrated within Satanic circles, though not technically a Satanist, would be [[ritual magic]]ian [[Aleister Crowley]], who referred to himself as "The Great Beast 666." Crowley's maxim, "''Do as thou wilt'' shall be the whole of the law!" captures a common Satanic attitude, and is thought to be explefied within the myth of Satan's rebellion.
Much "Satanic" lore does not originate from actual Satanists, but from Christians. Best-known of these sources would be the medieval [[folklore]] and [[theology]] surrounding [[demon]]s and [[witch]]es, which culminated in the witch hunts, where Christians persecuted any behavior that even mildly resembled their conception of paganism. Many "witches" were killed on the basis of tenuous accusations.  
Much "Satanic" lore does not originate from actual Satanists, but from Christians. Best-known would be the [[medieval]] [[folklore]] and [[theology]] surrounding [[demons]] and [[witches]], where Christians persecuted numerous individuals of paganism, many of whom were falsely accused. A more recent example is the so-called "Satanic Panic" of the 1980's, which was incited by the memoir [[Michelle Remembers]] co-written by Canadian psychiatrist Dr. Lawrence Pazder and his patient (and later spouse) Michelle Smith, in which the authors depict Satanism as a vast conspiracy of elites who have orchestrated an elaborate underground movement focused upon child-molestation and human sacrifice. Such allegations are largely unsubstantiated. Most rhetoric produced by the ritual abuse scare of the 80's are highly polemical, and regularly suggest that Satan actually appears in person in order to receive worship in proximity to the said crimes. Actual [[Satanic crime]]s do occur from time to time and may involve [[vandalism]], [[cruelty to animals]], or [[grave desecration]]. While some high-profile cases of murder or even serial murder have been found to have Satanic themes, such as those which were perpetrated by the [[Manson Family]], these appear to be primarily the works of disturbed individuals rather than that of organized religious groups dedicated to Satan.
A more recent example of this witch hunt mentality was the so-called "Satanic Panic" of the 1980s, which was incited by the memoir ''Michelle Remembers'', co-written by psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and Michelle Smith. In this book, the authors depict Satanism as a vast conspiracy of elites who have orchestrated an elaborate underground movement focused upon child-molestation and human sacrifice. Such allegations are largely unsubstantiated. Most rhetoric produced by the ritual abuse scare of the 1980s is highly polemical, and regularly suggested that Satan actually appears in proximity to the said crimes in order to receive worship. Actual Satanic crimes do occur from time to time and may involve [[vandalism]], [[cruelty to animals]], or [[grave]] desecration. While some high-profile cases of [[murder]] or even serial murder have been found to have Satanic themes, such as those which were perpetrated by the Manson Family, these appear primarily to be the works of disturbed individuals rather than those of organized religious groups dedicated to Satan.
==Satan in literature and popular culture==
==Satan in literature and popular culture==
The Satan which appears in fiction and popular culture is mostly influenced by the Christian conceptions of the [[devil]] and other evil forces. Classic works of literature involving the character Satan include: [[John Milton]]'s ''Paradise Lost'' (1667), [[William Blake]]'s ''The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'' (1790–1793), [[Johann Wolfgang Goethe]]'s ''[[Faust]]'' (Part 1, 1808; Part 2, 1832), and [[William Golding]]'s ''Lord of the Flies'' (1954). In more recent years, [[Salman Rushdie]]'s bestselling novel ''The Satanic Verses'' (1988) was widely banned in [[Middle East|Middle Eastern]] countries due to the demonic attributes bestowed upon certain characters, and even earned its author a death sentence by the Shi`i Muslim cleric Grand [[Ayatollah Khomeini]] (1900-1989).
The Satan which appears in fiction and popular culture is mostly influenced by the Christian conception of the [[devil]] and other evil forces. Classic works of literature involving the character Satan include: [[John Milton]]'s ''Paradise Lost'' (1667), [[William Blake]]'s ''The Marriage of Heaven and Hell'' (1790–1793), [[Johann Wolfgang Goethe]]'s ''[[Faust]]'' (Part 1, 1808; Part 2, 1832), and [[William Golding]]'s ''Lord of the Flies'' (1954). In more recent years, Salman Rushdie's bestselling novel ''The Satanic Verses'' was widely banned in middle Eastern countries due to the demonic attributes bestowed upon certain characters, and even earned its author a death sentence.
The concept of Satan has also been a recurrent figure in numerous films, particularly those in the horror genre, including ''Rosemary's Baby'' (1968), ''The Exorcist'' (1973), ''The Omen'' (1976), and ''The Amityville Horror'' (1979). Satan has also appeared in more mainstream films including, ''O Brother, Where Art Thou?'' (2000) and ''The Passion of the Christ'' (2004), as well as popular television shows such as ''South Park''. Another prominent source of "Satanic" imagery is the musical genre of [[heavy metal]], which has given [[Satanism]] the "Hail Satan!" hand-sign. This hand sign is made when one holds down the middle and ring fingers with the thumb while keeping the index and pinkie raised to resemble horns.
Satan has also been a reccurent figure in popular culture. He has been alluded to in numerous films, particularly those in the horror genre, including [[Rosemary's Baby]] (1967), [[The Exorcist (film)|The Exorcist]] (1973) and [[The Omen]] (1976). Satan has also appeared in more mainstream films such as [[O Brother, Where Art Thou?]] (2000) and [[The Passion of the Christ]] (2004), as well as popular television shows such as [[South Park]]. Another prominent source of "Satanic" imagery in popilar culture is within the musical genre of [[heavy metal]], which has given Satanism the "Hail Satan!" hand-sign, which involves the holding down of the middle and ring fingers with the thumb while keeping the index and pinkie raised to resemble horns. Only a few rock stars such as [[Marilyn Manson]] appear to actually be ''bona fide'' Satanists, while many others seemingly adopt a Satanic persona for the sake of romanticism. Thus, teenage boys appear to comprise a substantial proportion of avowed Satanists. The depiction of Satan which appears in all of these aforementioned avenues of popular culture is typically that which exists in the Christian traditions, though in some films and television programs he has also been presented as a charming and/or handsome man, and sometimes even as an attractive woman.
==See also==
*[[Satan in popular culture]]
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* Anderson, Robert A. ''Church of God? or the Temples of Satan''. Frankston, TX: TGS Publishers, 2006. ISBN 0-9786249-6-3
* Anderson, Robert A. ''Church of God? or the Temples of Satan''. Frankston, TX: TGS Publishers, 2006. ISBN 0978624963
* "Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas." ''Bahai Reference Library''. <http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/TB/tb-8.html> [Accessed February 19 2007].
* Bamberger, Bernard J. ''Fallen Angels: Soldiers of Satan's Realm''. Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society of America, 2006. ISBN 0827607970
* Bamberger, Bernard J. ''Fallen Angels: Soldiers of Satan's Realm''. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 2006. ISBN 0-8276-0797-0
* Forsyth, Neil. ''The Old Enemy: Satan & the Combat Myth''. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN 0691014744
* Forsyth, Neil. ''The Old Enemy: Satan & the Combat Myth''. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN 0-691-01474-4
* Forsyth, Neil. ''The Satanic Epic''. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN 0691113394
* Forsyth, Neil. ''The Satanic Epic''. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN 0-691-11339-4
* Gentry, Kenneth L. ''The Beast of Revelation.'' Powder Springs, GA: American Vision. 2002. ISBN 0915815419
* Gentry, Kenneth L. ''The Beast of Revelation.'' Powder Springs, GA: American Vision. 2002. ISBN 0-915815-41-9
* Graves, Kersey. ''Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil.'' San Diego, CA: Book Tree. 1995. ISBN 1885395116
* Graves, Kersey. ''Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil.'' San Diego, CA: Book Tree. 1995. ISBN 1-885395-11-6
* Pagels, Elaine. ''The Origin of Satan''. New York, NY: Random House, 1995. ISBN 0679401407
* Pagels, Elaine. ''The Origin of Satan''. New York: Random House, 1995. ISBN 0-679-72232-7
* Rudwin, Maximilian. ''The Devil in Legend and Literature''. Peru, IL: Open Court, 1970. ISBN 0875482481
* Rudwin, Maximilian. ''The Devil in Legend and Literature''. Peru, IL: Open Court, 1970. ISBN 0-87548-248-1
* Russell, Jeffrey Burton. ''The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity.'' Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1977. ISBN 0801494133
* Russell, Jeffrey Burton. ''The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity.'' Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1977. ISBN 0-8014-9413-3
* Russell, Jeffrey Burton. ''The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History''. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992. ISBN 0801480566
* Russell, Jeffrey Burton. ''The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History''. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992. ISBN 0-8014-8056-6
* Russell, Jeffrey Burton. ''The Birth of Satan: Tracing the Devil's Biblical Roots''. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. ISBN 1403969337
* Russell, Jeffrey Burton. ''The Birth of Satan: Tracing the Devil's Biblical Roots''. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. ISBN 1-4039-6933-7
* Sharma, Arvind. "Satan." ''Encyclopedia of Religion.'' Edited by Mercia Eliade. New York, NY: MacMillan Publishing, 1987, 81-84. ISBN 978-0028971353
* "Satan." ''Jewish Encyclopaedia''. <http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=270&letter=S> [Accessed February 18 2007].
* Sharma, Arvind. "Satan." ''Encyclopedia of Religion.'' Edited by Mercia Eliade. New York: MacMillan Publishing, 1987. pp. 81-84.
==External links==
==External links==
All links retrieved December 23, 2022.
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04764a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia]  
* [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04764a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia]
* [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=270&letter=S&search=Satan Jewish Encyclopedia]  
* [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=270&letter=S&search=Satan Jewish Encyclopedia]
*[http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/TB/tb-8.html "Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas"] ''Bahai Reference Library''
[[Category: Philosophy and religion]]
[[Category: Philosophy and religion]]

Latest revision as of 16:57, 23 December 2022

Gustave Doré's depiction of Satan from John Milton's Paradise Lost

Satan (meaning "accuser") represents the arch enemy of God in the Abrahamic religions, who personifies evil and temptation, and is known as the deceiver that leads humanity astray. The term is often applied to an angel who fell out of favor with God, seducing humanity into the ways of sin, and who now rules over the fallen world.

The concept of an anthropomorpized demonic figure (or archetype) is a salient theme in both ancient and modern religions, which ascribe to an ongoing cosmic struggle between the forces of good and evil (stark examples are Manichaeism and Zurvanism). In the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Satan represents the personalized power of evil, who, it is said, will ultimately be defeated by the love of God.

In popular culture, the term Satan has many synonyms including the Devil, Lucifer, and the Prince of Darkness, among others.


The nominative satan in Hebrew שָׂטָן, referring to an "adversary" or "accuser," as well as the Arabic إبليس (shaitan), derive from a Northwest Semitic root śṭn, meaning "to be hostile," or "to accuse."[1] In the New Testament, Satan is a name that refers to a decidedly malevolent entity who possesses demonic god-like qualities.

Alternative Titles

A number of titles in Judaism and Christianity are equated with Satan. For example, Satan is called Diabolos (Greek for "accuser" or "obstructor"), which is the source of the English word "Devil."[2] Satan is also known as Lucifer, based on a reference to the "Day Star" in Isaiah 14:12-14 which "laid the nations low."[3] Additionally, he is occasionally called Beelzebub, meaning "Lord of Flies."[4] Moreover, the titles, "the dragon" and "the old serpent" (Book of Revelation 12:9 and 20:2) have been identified with Satan, as have the terms "the prince of this world" (John 12:31 and 14:30), "the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2), and "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).[2] Satan and the Angel of death and destruction, "Abaddon," are sometimes claimed to be identical. Satan is also equated with "Ahriman," the Persian "Prince of Evil." The angel "Leviathan" is described as "that crooked serpent," which is also used to describe Satan in Revelation 12:9.


In the Hebrew Bible

Satan is primarily understood as an "accuser" or "adversary" in the Hebrew Bible, and is not necessarily the personification of evil that he would become in later Abrahamic religions. Within the Hebrew Bible, the term satan itself is applied both to supernatural entities and human beings. In actuality, the figure Satan is mentioned quite infrequently. Where Satan does appear in the Hebrew Bible it is as a member of God's divine council who watches over human activity, but with the evil purpose of searching out human beings' sins and then registering accusations against them. In this way, he serves as something of a prosecuting attorney for God, presenting his case against humankind in the heavenly court. This is most evident in the Book of Job, wherein Satan questions the veracity of humankind's loyalty to God, putting forth the argument that any given human is only loyal because God gives her or him prosperity. God agrees to put Satan's theory to the test, and various misfortunes are visited upon Job as a test of his faith. It is Satan who actually delivers these ills one-by-one. Despite this activity, the prologue of the Book of Job makes clear that Satan has no power of independent volition of his own, and requires the permission of God to carry out his actions.

In other verses, Satan appears to take his own initiative. In 1 Chronicles 21:1, Satan incites David to commit the sin of taking a census of Israel. In this passage, it appears that Satan is actually the entity that enables David to destroy Israel, who acts out accord with the wishes of God. Five hundred years earlier, this same story portrayed Yahweh as the one who incited David to take the census (2 Samuel 24:1). The change in the narrative may be due to the fact that the later story was written after the Hebrews had been in exile in Babylon, where they were no doubt exposed to Zoroastrian influence. Zoroastrianism had developed the concept of a volitional evil deity Angra Mainyu who existed in counterpoint to Spenta Mainyu, the personification of good. The attribution of an independent will to Satan may be a Zoroastrian influence, as Angra Mainyu's predilection to evil exists contradicts the will of Spenta Mainyu and ultimately, the one supreme and exclusively benevolent Ahura Mazda. Although Satan's role as the adversary is established in the Hebrew Bible, he had not yet taken on the demonic character of the personification of evil, which he would inherit in later Jewish literature, as well as in Christianity and Islam.

Thus the Hebrew word "Satan" is used in a threefold way to refer to those who act as adversaries, either as 1) an enemy in times of both war and peace,[5] 2) as an antagonist who puts obstacles in an individual's way, as in Numbers 22:22, where the angel of God is described as opposing Balaam as an adversary, and 3) as an accuser before the judgment-seat.[6]

Non-Canonical Jewish Literature

Early rabbinic statements in the Mishna and Talmud show that Satan played a minor role in early Jewish theology. In the course of time, however, Judaism absorbed many of the now-prevalent concepts of Satan, most likely from the nearby Persians. Consequently, as a rule, Jewish writings tend to contain more frequent mentions of Satan and his hosts. [7] In apocryphal works such as the Jubilees, the Testament of Reuben, and The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, Satan is considered to be the leader of the fallen angels. As Judaism evolved, history began to be conceived of in two ages: the present age, which is marked by Satan's rule, and a more glorious future age which will usher in the rule of divinity. This will only occur after an apocalyptic conflict where Satan and the effects of sin, for which he is responsible, will be overcome. This conception of Satan as the apocalyptic adversary was no doubt influenced by Zoroastrian eschatology, as well as by that religion's ethical dualism. It should be noted that Judaism, as with Christianity, stops short of identifying Satan as a wholly evil being, so as not to compromise its fundamental belief in monotheism.

In some Jewish works, rabbis put forth the idea that Satan is the incarnation of all evil, devoting the entirety of his works to the destruction of humankind. The Babylonian Talmud, for instance, states that the Evil Inclination (Yetzer ha-Ra), the Angel of Death and Satan are all identical. Satan is said to seize upon so little as a single word which may be prejudicial to man, [8] and in times of danger, he consistently brings a barrage of accusations.[9]. By the end of the apocalyptic period (approximately 100 C.E.), Jewish demonology and folklore had variously connected Satan with darkness, the underworld, sexual impropriety, and animals such as the goat, the frog or toad, and the serpent. Some literature, both rabbinical and apocalyptic, asserted that Satan first wielded his power in the Garden of Eden and this serpent wryly coerced Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.

Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer characterized Satan as an active agent in the Fall of Man,[10] and put forward that he was also the father of Cain[11] Other rabbis have continued this line of thought suggesting that Satan provided the impetus for other negative events in Jewish history. These include the offering of Isaac for sacrifice,[12] the release of the animal destined by Esau for his father,[13] the death of Moses,[14] David's improprietous sexual relationship with Bathsheba,[15] and the death of the Persian Queen Vashti, wife of Ahasuerus (probably Xerxes the First). [16] In addition, the decree to destroy all the Jews obtained by Haman, the scheming grand vizier of Ahasuerus, was said to have been written on parchment brought by Satan.[17] The normative Jewish concept, however, was and remains that Satan cannot be viewed as an independent agent, and therefore could not have perpetrated the aforementioned events. In the Babylonian Talmud, Rabbi Levi asserts that "everything Satan does is for the sake of heaven." [18] Satan's powers are by no means uncontestable; when the Shofar (Horn) is sounded by Jews on New-Year's Day, Satan is said to be "confounded".[19] Further, on the Day of Atonement Satan's power is said to vanish altogether, since the numerical value of the letters of his name (in the context of gematria and Hebrew numerals) is only 359, thus allegedly exempting this one day from his influence.[20]


In Christianity, the concept of Satan is the amalgamation of both Jewish and Greek descriptions of evil. In the Christian understanding of the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament), Satan is understood as an angel who rebelled against God. Before his insurrection, Satan was the highest of all angels, and the "brightest in the sky," referring to his connection (made in Isaiah 14:12-14) with what was called the "Morning Star" in Roman astrology, the planet Venus. However, he sought to rule heaven himself, and his pride kept him from bowing to God as all other angels did. God promptly cast him out of heaven along with one third of the angels, who became demons under his charge. The majority of Christians also believe it was Satan who spoke through the Serpent and seduced Eve into disobeying God. This connection was first made in the Christian tradition by Paul in Romans 16:20, though it was largely dispelled by early church fathers who maintained the traditional Hebrew understanding that Satan fell after Adam. However, in the 3rd Century B.C.E. Origen argued that Satan fell before Adam had even been created, and therefore could have appeared in the Garden.

Satan is commonly referred to in the New Testament text by the Greek term Diabolos, from which the word devil derives. This term means by "accuser" and "obstructor" for the Devil is described as hating humankind, and intent on impeding it's spiritual progression by providing temptation to sin. By the 2nd century C.E., the concept of Satan had inherited the characteristics of many ancient destructive nature spirits and ghosts, and became the unequivocal personification of evil. Satan's power was said to extend over the entire physical world as well as a legion of evil demons. However, he was also said to lack the omniscience and omnipotence of the one true God, and therefore relied upon demons to possess human beings and then torment them. Various New Testament stories provide accounts of exorcisms Jesus performed upon possessed individuals, such as Mark 16:9. The New Testament makes the suggestion that Satan does indeed possess his own will, as it has been argued that Satan entered Judas so that the Son of Man could be delivered over to Roman officials for his execution (as in Luke 22:3). However, all throughout the New Testament, the inevitable fall of Satan's rule is prescribed again and again, as in 2 Peter 2:4, and culminates in Revelation 20:2, 7-10 where Satan is defeated by Christ, thrown forever into the "lake of fire."

Did you know?
Abrahamic religions do not consider Satan to be a wholly evil being, but rather one who became the adversary of his creator, God


In Islam, the word Shaitan (شيطان) (deriving from the root šṭn شطن meaning "astray" or "distant") is the equivalent of Satan. The proper name al-Shaitan "the tempter" is used to refer to Satan specifically when he is the tempter. Iblis is the personal name of the Shaitan who refused to prostrate before before Adam in the Qur'anic account of Genesis. The name Iblis is likely a contraction taken from the Greek "Diabolos."

The Qur'an explains that before the creation of Man, Allah (God) created the Angels out of light. These angels possessed no free will of their own. Allah also created the Jinn (genies), endowing them with semi-free will. Later Allah created Adam, and ordered that all the angels bow to him. All the angels did, except for a Jinn called Iblis, who was elevated to be one of the leaders of the Angels. As with Lucifer in the Christian tradition, Iblis was proud and considered himself to be superior to Adam who was made of modified clay, while he himself was made of smokeless fire. For this transgression, God damned Iblis to Hell for eternity, but gave him respite till the Doomsday at his request. At this point Iblis swore that he would in the meantime dedicate his efforts to lead all men astray. Allah replied that there would always be followers of God, and that the paradise of heaven was available for them, and those who followed Iblis would go to Hell.[21] Some adherents of Sufism, the Islamic mystical tradition, actually interpret Iblis' action against Allah in a positive light, considering his refusal to prostrate before anything but God as the ultimate display of monotheistic faith.

After their creation, Adam and Eve (Hawwa' حواء,) dwelt in Paradise (الجنة, Al-Jannah), where Allah forbade them to go near the cursed tree. As in the Judeo-Christian tradition, al-Shaitan tricked Adam and Eve into eating from the tree, at which point Allah expelled all of them from Paradise and placed them upon the Earth. Here Iblis continued his role as the tempter of mortals, trying to influence as many descendants of Adam and Eve to sin, thereby collecting them as companions in Hell. Islamic tradition states that Iblis tempts human beings by being present in the actual flesh and blood of all of Adam's children, that is, within the nafs, or the lower principles of the flesh. Unlike the Christian and Jewish notions of Satan where he dwells in the underworld realm and related to the jurisdiction of evildoings, the Islamic tradition conceives of Satan as a part of all humans, no matter who they are. This may account for the prevalent associations between Satan and sexuality in the Western world. In order to tempt mortals, Iblis can assume any shape, including no shape at all. In one such instance, he took the form of a hatif, one who can be heard but not seen, in order to beguile Ali so he would not wash the body of the Prophet Mohammed.

Bahá'í interpretation

The Bahá'í Faith has attempted to synthesize various texts and precepts of many religions, as well as the figures within them. The Bahá'í teachings reveal that the figure of Satan, prevalent in many religions, is actually a metaphor for the "insistent self," or the self-serving inclination present within each human being. This insistent self is often referred to as "the Evil One." Bahá'u'lláh, the founding prophet of the Bahá'í Faith, once wrote "[w]atch over yourselves, for the Evil One is lying in wait, ready to entrap you. Gird yourselves against his wicked devices, and, led by the light of the name of the All-Seeing God, make your escape from the darkness that surroundeth you." [22] Despite the fact that Satan is addressed in this way, he is not seen as being an independent evil power, but instead as the lower nature present within every human being. Evil, then, is not an entity of itself within the Bahá'í Faith; rather it is the absence of goodness. Consequently, there can be no actual evil entities, Satan included.

Gnostic and Other Perspectives

Gnostic sects sometimes interpreted Satan as a positive figure since he had enabled knowledge to be brought forth, and thusly he was venerated in worship for this deed (see Gospel of Judas). Some Gnostics also claimed that the creator God worshiped by Jews and mainstream Christians had to be Satan, as the highest God could not bring forth a world of such imperfect nature.

Adherents of Mormonism believe Jesus Christ and the Devil are actually siblings; Christ is a son of God in the flesh while Satan is His bodiless spirit son. Jehovah's Witnesses accept the mainstream Christian belief that Satan was responsible for the temptation in the Garden, though they believe Satan was at first a real person who was transformed into "Satan the Devil" upon trying to win Adam and Eve's favor for himself.


The Devil as seen in Codex Gigas.

Satan has most often been portrayed in Christianity as a horned creature, red in color, often having the hindquarters or body of hoofed animals, particularly the goat. These depictions are notable in their resemblance to the Canaanite gods Baal and Moloch, the Greek deity Pan, as well as prevalent conceptions of the major male god in Pagan and Neopagan traditions, such as the "Horned God."

According to some Biblical interpretations, Satan was formerly the Angel Lucifer who fell from his exalted status for refusing to honor God. As a result, Satan is often depicted in Christian iconography as having wings due to his former status as an angel. Before his insurrection, Satan was the highest of all angels, and the "brightest in the sky," referring to his connection (made in Isaiah 14:12-14) with what was called the "Morning Star" in Roman astrology, the planet Venus. However, he sought to rule heaven himself, and his pride kept him from bowing to God as all other angels did.

After this fall from heaven, Satan is said to have tempted Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden as the Serpentand has since often been represented as a deceptive serpent hiding in the shadows.

Satan is often described as residing in Hell, the fiery locale where the wicked are punished after death, however, passages in the New Testament such as 1 Peter 5:8 suggest that he actually roams the earth, seeking to sully the lives of living humans by keeping them distant from God.

The Devil has been accredited with the role of bestowing magical powers upon sorcerers and witches. This idea has prevailed since the Middle Ages, when complex demonologies were developed within Christian circles.


People claiming to worship Satan follow a wide variety of beliefs. These range from the literal worship of a malevolent spiritual being (also known as Theistic Satanism); to a kind of subversive ritual performance stressing the mockery of Christian symbols (most notably the Black Mass); to the alleged rediscovery of an ancient but misunderstood religion Setianism (which conflates Satan with the Egyptian god Set); to an excuse for hedonistic recreation, and the celebration of selfishness and pleasure.

Perhaps the most prominent spokesman for Satanism in recent years has been Anton Szandor LaVey, who founded the Church of Satan in 1966. LaVey wrote The Satanic Bible (1969). He rejected the Black Mass, criminal behavior, cruelty to animals, and any literal belief in (or worship of) Satan. Instead he supported a view that identified human beings as animals and rejected many social structures that inhibit our instincts.

Other individuals linked to Satan have been Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, John D. Allee, founder of First Church of Satan, and Karla LaVey, daughter of Anton Szandor LaVey who carried on the legacy of her father by founding the First Satanic Church. Equally renowned within Satanic circles, though not technically a Satanist, would be ritual magician Aleister Crowley, who referred to himself as "The Great Beast 666." Crowley's maxim, "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!" captures a common Satanic attitude, and is thought to be exemplified within the myth of Satan's rebellion.

Much "Satanic" lore does not originate from actual Satanists, but from Christians. Best-known of these sources would be the medieval folklore and theology surrounding demons and witches, which culminated in the witch hunts, where Christians persecuted any behavior that even mildly resembled their conception of paganism. Many "witches" were killed on the basis of tenuous accusations.

A more recent example of this witch hunt mentality was the so-called "Satanic Panic" of the 1980s, which was incited by the memoir Michelle Remembers, co-written by psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and Michelle Smith. In this book, the authors depict Satanism as a vast conspiracy of elites who have orchestrated an elaborate underground movement focused upon child-molestation and human sacrifice. Such allegations are largely unsubstantiated. Most rhetoric produced by the ritual abuse scare of the 1980s is highly polemical, and regularly suggested that Satan actually appears in proximity to the said crimes in order to receive worship. Actual Satanic crimes do occur from time to time and may involve vandalism, cruelty to animals, or grave desecration. While some high-profile cases of murder or even serial murder have been found to have Satanic themes, such as those which were perpetrated by the Manson Family, these appear primarily to be the works of disturbed individuals rather than those of organized religious groups dedicated to Satan.

Satan in literature and popular culture

The Satan which appears in fiction and popular culture is mostly influenced by the Christian conceptions of the devil and other evil forces. Classic works of literature involving the character Satan include: John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667), William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790–1793), Johann Wolfgang Goethe's Faust (Part 1, 1808; Part 2, 1832), and William Golding's Lord of the Flies (1954). In more recent years, Salman Rushdie's bestselling novel The Satanic Verses (1988) was widely banned in Middle Eastern countries due to the demonic attributes bestowed upon certain characters, and even earned its author a death sentence by the Shi`i Muslim cleric Grand Ayatollah Khomeini (1900-1989).

The concept of Satan has also been a recurrent figure in numerous films, particularly those in the horror genre, including Rosemary's Baby (1968), The Exorcist (1973), The Omen (1976), and The Amityville Horror (1979). Satan has also appeared in more mainstream films including, O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) and The Passion of the Christ (2004), as well as popular television shows such as South Park. Another prominent source of "Satanic" imagery is the musical genre of heavy metal, which has given Satanism the "Hail Satan!" hand-sign. This hand sign is made when one holds down the middle and ring fingers with the thumb while keeping the index and pinkie raised to resemble horns.


  1. American Heritage® Dictionary: Semitic roots: sn. Retrieved May 31, 2006.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Easton's Bible Dictionary, Satan. Retrieved February 14, 2011.
  3. However, this descriptor may have referred to none other than the King of Babylon himself, who had figuratively fallen from heaven.
  4. This moniker was actually the name of a Philistine god, but is also used in the New Testament as a synonym for Satan.
  5. 1 Kings 5:4; 11:14, 23, 25
  6. Psalm 109:6
  7. Satan in relation to different religions. JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved February 14, 2011.
  8. Talmud Berachot 19a
  9. Jerusalem Talmud, Shabbat 5b
  10. Midrash Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer 13.
  11. ibid, 21.
  12. Midrash Tanchuma, Wayera, 22.
  13. ibid, Toledot, 11.
  14. Deuteronomy Rabbah 13:9.
  15. Sanhedrin 95a.
  16. Megilla 11a.
  17. Esther Rabba 3:9.
  18. Baba Bathra 16a.
  19. Rosh Hashana 16b, Targum Yerushalmi to Numbers 10:10.
  20. Yoma 20a.
  21. Iblis swears an oath Surah 38.082. Retrieved February 14, 2011.
  22. "Bahá’u’lláh Revealed After the Kitáb-i-Aqdas." LAWḤ-I-DUNYÁ (Tablet of the World) Retrieved February 18, 2007.

ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

  • Anderson, Robert A. Church of God? or the Temples of Satan. Frankston, TX: TGS Publishers, 2006. ISBN 0978624963
  • Bamberger, Bernard J. Fallen Angels: Soldiers of Satan's Realm. Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society of America, 2006. ISBN 0827607970
  • Forsyth, Neil. The Old Enemy: Satan & the Combat Myth. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN 0691014744
  • Forsyth, Neil. The Satanic Epic. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN 0691113394
  • Gentry, Kenneth L. The Beast of Revelation. Powder Springs, GA: American Vision. 2002. ISBN 0915815419
  • Graves, Kersey. Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil. San Diego, CA: Book Tree. 1995. ISBN 1885395116
  • Pagels, Elaine. The Origin of Satan. New York, NY: Random House, 1995. ISBN 0679401407
  • Rudwin, Maximilian. The Devil in Legend and Literature. Peru, IL: Open Court, 1970. ISBN 0875482481
  • Russell, Jeffrey Burton. The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1977. ISBN 0801494133
  • Russell, Jeffrey Burton. The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992. ISBN 0801480566
  • Russell, Jeffrey Burton. The Birth of Satan: Tracing the Devil's Biblical Roots. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. ISBN 1403969337
  • Sharma, Arvind. "Satan." Encyclopedia of Religion. Edited by Mercia Eliade. New York, NY: MacMillan Publishing, 1987, 81-84. ISBN 978-0028971353

External links

All links retrieved December 23, 2022.


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